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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution A Guide to the Papers of Columbus O'Donnell Iselin, 1904-1971 Manuscript Collection MC-16 34 boxes (19 lin. ft.) |
Columbus O’Donnell Iselin was born in New Rochelle, New York on September 25, 1904 to an affluent family of bankers and philanthropists. He had a nautical heritage, became an adept sailor at an early age, and was said to have built his first boat at age eleven.
After a preparatory school education at St. Marks in Southboro, Massachusetts, he entered Harvard in 1922 as a mathematics major, but his eagerness to read in the marine sciences led him to Dr. Henry Bigelow, Harvard’s great marine biologist. Bigelow became his lifelong mentor and under his guidance, Iselin took his schooner Chance and a student crew on a cruise from Labrador to Bermuda in 1926, collecting specimens and data about the Labrador Current and the Gulf Stream. The four scientific papers published as a result of this cruise gained Iselin his first wide attention. The Chance data confirmed Norwegian theories concerning the movement of icebergs and was incorporated by the International Ice Patrol.
When Bigelow’s new project of an oceanographic institution in Woods Hole became a reality in 1930, Iselin was hired as General Assistant and the first year round employee at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, as well as Master of the new high-seas research vessel Atlantis, whose design and construction he supervised. During the years 1931-40, as Physical Oceanographer at Woods Hole he supervised the Atlantis in her exploration of the Gulf Stream. In 1940 he was appointed Director of WHOI upon Dr. Bigelow’s retirement, a position he retained for ten years, resuming it briefly from 1956-58.
For a period of twenty years, beginning in the nineteen-thirties, the description of the Gulf Stream and the physical characteristics of the Western North Atlantic resulting from the studies of Iselin and the scientists he guided was his most direct contribution to physical oceanography. He published four classic papers between 1936 and 1948.
During World War II, Iselin worked with Maurice Ewing on underwater sound transmission in submarine detection, and introduced the bathythermograph’s use by the Navy in that endeavor. He received the Medal of Merit in 1948 for service to his country.
During the postwar years, Iselin was on the board of the National Academy of Science’s Committee for Undersea Warfare, and was also a founding member of the N.A.T.O. Subcommittee on Oceanographic Research (SCOR), where he played an important part in initiating the International Indian Ocean Expedition. He founded the Ocean Resource Institute with Francis Minot to support the causes of New England marine resources. Iselin was involved, through writing and speaking on a national and international level, in helping to resolve the economic and social problems arising from exploitation of the sea. He remained active in many organizations until his death in 1971.
The Papers of Columbus O. Iselin consist of 34 boxes of documents spanning 1904-1971. The files contain manuscripts, letters, schoolbooks, logbooks, memoranda, lectures, speeches, reprinted articles, magazine clippings, photographs, charts, reports, and data. The papers primarily reflect his scientific interests and multifaceted involvement in the international oceanographic community through writing, lecturing and in an advisory capacity as Physical Oceanographer for the Institution. The bulk of the papers span the years from 1932-1965.
There is no record of the original accession of the bulk of Iselin’s material to its current location in the WHOI Data Library and Archives, but it is believed that it was transferred from his institution office after his death. There were three subsequent additions to the collection. The accession of a suitcase containing personal files, log books, school books, papers and lectures given at Harvard and M.I.T. was transferred from Iselin’s home and given to Allyn Vine, who sorted through the material, and gave it to the archives on September 26, 1984. Account books, ledgers, receipts and letters pertaining to the Eastern Shipbuilding Corp., a Nova Scotia shipbuilding business in which Iselin was invested between 1930-35, were found in the Bigelow building attic and brought to the archives in September 1986. Iselin’s niece, Susanne S. Doyle, contributed some Iselin family papers, photographs, and glass slides in 1995.
Papers of Columbus O'Donnell Iselin, 1904-1971. MC-16, "Folder Name." Data Library and Archives, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Received in several accessions, including one on September 26, 1984, one in September 1986, and one in 1995. The date of the original accession is not documented, but is believed to have been donated after Iselin's death.
Processed by Brenda Rocklage. Processing of this collection was partly supported by a grant from the Friends of the Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics. During processing basic preservation measures were taken, staples and metal clips were removed, acidic and fragile papers were photocopied, and papers were put in acid free folders. Since the original order of the materials could not be determined, the collection was organized into four (4) series for clarity, retaining the titles of folder when known and the overall chronological order in which they had been placed.
Open/Restricted: most materials in the collection are available for research; some materials may only be viewed with permission of the Archivist.
Copyright: Permission to publish material from the collection must be authorized by the Institution Archivist.
Additional biographical material relating to Columbus O’Donnell Iselin can be found in his biographical file in the Archives vault. Refer also to the collection of Iselin as Director of WHOI, as well as the Director’s files of Henry Bigelow, Edward Smith and Paul Fye.
Family photographs and glass slides were separated from the collection and placed in appropriate storage in the Archives vault. Books and reports were added to the library collection as appropriate. Logbooks and data pertaining to specific cruises were removed to the cruise files in the Archives vault.
The papers are arranged in four series:
Researchers wishing to find related materials should search the MBLWHOI Library catalog under these terms.
Manuscripts 1926-1969 6 boxes (3 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Scope and Content Note | |||||||||||
This series contains drafts, lectures given at Harvard and M.I.T., reprints or copies of articles written by Iselin and about him, speeches, a radio talk, a report to the Institution Trustees, memos to staff and general notes, ranging from 1926 to 1969. The recurring subjects are the physical oceanography of the Gulf Stream, circulation, current systems of Florida or the North Atlantic, the role of oceanography in the military, and resources of the sea. Iselin often reworked a text with the same title and updated it for a different audience or as his views changed over the years. See the Personal series for drafts of WHOI During the War Years, The Backus Factor, a humorous piece about chief engineer of the first Atlantis, and a draft of Iselin’s personal history (use RESTRICTED at discretion of Archivist). | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||
1 | 1 | Labrador Current paper, “Chance” report | 1926 | ||||||||
2 | Miscellaneous articles | 1927-1937 | |||||||||
2 | Hints on the use of small sailing vessels | Circa 1929 | |||||||||
2 | Science goes to sea. Harvard Alumni Bulletin | February 10, 1933 | |||||||||
2 | The Volume transport of the Florida Current, abstract from Assoc. Oceanog. Phys. Proces-verbaux. No. 2 | undated | |||||||||
2 | Voyages of the “Atlantis” and its oceanographic work. The Collecting Net | June 25, 1932 | |||||||||
2 | A study of the northern part of the Labrador Current, American Geophysical Union, Abstracts of reports and papers | April 1927 | |||||||||
2 | Progress of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and cruises of the “Atlantis”, American Geophysical Union, Transactions | April 28-29, 1932 | |||||||||
2 | Recent work on the dynamic oceanography of the North Atlantic, American Geophysical Union, Transactions | April 25-26, 1929; May 1-2, 1930 | |||||||||
3 | Manuscripts | 1932-1940 | |||||||||
3 | The biological significance of some recent developments in physical oceanography. N.Y Academy of Science | December 9 and 13, 1940 | |||||||||
3 | The technique of recurring serial subsurface temperature observations at sea | undated | |||||||||
3 | Cruises of the “Atlantis” during the past winter. | June 24, 1940 | |||||||||
3 | The necessity of a new approach to the study of the circulation on the continental shelf. | April 26, 1940 | |||||||||
3 | Gulf Stream fluctuations. | April 15, 1940 | |||||||||
3 | How oceanographic research aids commerce and navigation and its importance to submarine geology | February 1940 | |||||||||
3 | The current system of the western North Atlantic. New England Geological Society and Marine Biological Laboratory | 1935-1936 | |||||||||
4 | Preliminary report on long-period variations in the transport of the Gulf Stream system. (draft) | July 1940 | |||||||||
5 | Paper for Scientific Monthly on nature of Gulf Stream system | 1933 | |||||||||
6 | Conception of Gulf Stream, plus 2 talks on the Gulf Stream | 1933-1936 | |||||||||
7 | Staff mtg. paper: Temperature salinity correlation within the Florida Current | 1934 | |||||||||
8 | Miscellaneous manuscripts and speeches | 1936-1937 | |||||||||
8 | Surface movements, Lecture #16. | March 2, 1936 | |||||||||
8 | Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory. | Circa 1936 | |||||||||
8 | Science of meteorology. | undated | |||||||||
8 | Staff meeting. | 1937 | |||||||||
8 | Lecture #10, North Atlantic current system. | undated | |||||||||
8 | M.I.T seminar | March 25, 1937 | |||||||||
8 | Two new plans for the cooperative investigation of the North Atlantic’s circulation. | 1937 | |||||||||
8 | Re: “Meteor” data (no title) | undated | |||||||||
8 | Temperature and salinity in the Atlantic (no title). | undated | |||||||||
8 | Major investigations of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1934-1936 | 1937 | |||||||||
8 | Progress in hydrological studies. | 1934-1936 | |||||||||
8 | Summary of Atlantis hydrological investigations | 1934-1936 | |||||||||
8 | Review of paper by Albert Defant, subject: circulation in the Atlantic. | 1936 | |||||||||
8 | How deep do ocean currents flow? | undated | |||||||||
8 | Speech on ocean currents to school ship Nantucket | undated | |||||||||
9 | “A study of the circulation of the western North Atlantic” | 1936 | |||||||||
10 | “The influence of Mediterranean outflow at mid-depths in the Sargasso Sea” | 1936 | |||||||||
11-12 | “Some suggestions toward the development of a satisfactory theory of ocean currents, based on a study of the circulation of the North Atlantic ocean”. (2 folders) | 1937 | |||||||||
13 | National Academy of Science paper, ”How deep do ocean currents flow?” | 1937 | |||||||||
14 | Weather Bureau, Outline of a proposed report on the failure of the U.S. Weather Bureau to keep pace with meteorology | 1937 | |||||||||
2 | 1 | Personal: Manuscripts | 1938-1939 | ||||||||
1 | A promising theory concerning the causes and results of long-period variations in the strength of the Gulf Stream system | undated | |||||||||
1 | Preliminary report on the cooperative investigation of Gulf Stream fluctuations. (with E.F. Thompson) | June 1937-November 1938 | |||||||||
1 | Survey of eddy along the northern edge of the Gulf Stream, (no title). | July 1938 | |||||||||
1 | Cooperation between WHOI and the scientific bureaus of the federal government. | May 22, 1939 | |||||||||
1 | The Eastern slope water area. | undated | |||||||||
1 | The present status of the circulation problem in the deep ocean. (no title) | March 27, 1939 | |||||||||
1 | Oceanography. | undated | |||||||||
1 | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. | undated | |||||||||
1 | The influence of fluctuations in the major ocean currents on the climate and the fisheries. | August 1938 | |||||||||
1 | Report on the work of the “Atlantis”. | undated | |||||||||
1 | Some practical applications of modern physical oceanography. | undated | |||||||||
1 | Review of book by Gerhard Schott on the geography of the Indian Ocean. | undated | |||||||||
1 | A new cooperative program in physical oceanography. | undated | |||||||||
1 | Problems in the oceanography of the North Atlantic. Reprint, Nature Vol. 141 | April 1938 | |||||||||
2-3 | Manuscripts (2 folders) | 1939 | |||||||||
2 | Untitled Gulf Stream draft | June 1939, undated | |||||||||
2 | Transport fluctuations of the Gulf Stream. | December 1939 | |||||||||
2 | Oceanography. | December 8, 1939, undated | |||||||||
2 | Recent deep trawling in Cuban waters. | November 22, 1939 | |||||||||
2 | Untitled fisheries investigation report. | undated | |||||||||
2 | Letter to Johann Hjort, University of Oslo | July 31, 1939 | |||||||||
2 | Review of Albert Defant paper. | undated | |||||||||
2 | Staff meeting report, July | July 20, 1939 | |||||||||
2 | Cooperative investigation. | 1939 | |||||||||
2 | The influence of vertical and lateral turbulence on the characteristics of the water at mid-depths. Contrib. 220 | April 6 and 21, 1939 | |||||||||
2 | Biological implications of new theories. | undated | |||||||||
2 | Understanding the circulation problem. | undated | |||||||||
2 | Some physical factors influencing the fisheries of New England. | undated | |||||||||
2 | Investigating temperature fluctuations in the northeastern North Atlantic. | undated | |||||||||
3 | Physical oceanography. | July 29, 1939 | |||||||||
3 | A study in the variations in the strength of the Gulf Stream. | June 23, 1939, undated | |||||||||
3 | Untitled paper on circulation. May 2. | May 2, 1939 | |||||||||
3 | Engineer’s lunch speech. | May 17, 1939 | |||||||||
3 | Some physical factors which may influence the productivity of New England’s coastal waters. Editor’s galley. | May 5, 1939 | |||||||||
3 | Memo concerning the “Anton Dohrn”. May. | May 15, 1939 | |||||||||
3 | The influence of fluctuations in the Gulf Stream on the fisheries, April. | April 1939 | |||||||||
3 | Two reviews: 1937 articles published in Germany by Gunter Dietrich and G. Wust. | undated | |||||||||
3 | Grange meeting speech. | March 6, 1939 | |||||||||
3 | Dukes County Historical Society talk on scientific investigation of the ocean. | February 10, 1939 | |||||||||
3 | Untitled report on the circulation problem. | March 20, 1939 | |||||||||
3 | Partial paper on “Atlantis” surveys of the eastern slope area. | March 13, 1939 | |||||||||
4-5 | Manuscripts | 1941-1948 | |||||||||
4 | Interaction between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere | December 10, 1941 | |||||||||
4 | Oceanography of the surface layer | undated | |||||||||
4 | Untitled, Chapter 1 on sound transmission | January 1941 | |||||||||
4 | Oceanography and physics of submarine detection | undated | |||||||||
4 | Work of “Atlantis” and “Anton Dohrn” | July 1, 1942 | |||||||||
4 | Physical oceanography, 1945 | March 1, 1945 | |||||||||
5 | Untitled “Introduction” on the work of physical oceanographers during the last 10 or 15 years | circa 1942 | |||||||||
5 | Lecture on oceanography given to Mr. Sewell’s class | December 9, 1946 | |||||||||
5 | Untitled paper | December 2, 1941 | |||||||||
5 | Factors controlling the vertical temperature gradients in the vicinity of Key West, Florida and a program for their future study. | undated | |||||||||
5 | Some developments in oceanography. To Harvard Club, Oct. 1942 | October 28, 1942 | |||||||||
5 | Circulation lecture for MBL, July, 1946 | July 25, 1946 | |||||||||
5 | Lecture on Sverdrup’s text Oceanography for Meteorologists | undated | |||||||||
6-7 | Lectures and manuscripts (2 folders) | 1946-1950 | |||||||||
6 | Lecture on fundamentals of physical oceanography and marine meteorology | undated | |||||||||
6 | Ocean waters, manuscript for Grolier Society | 1947 | |||||||||
7 | Oceanography, a radio talk. | December 1946 | |||||||||
7 | Down to the sea. Physics Today | August 1948 | |||||||||
7 | North Atlantic oceanography. Research reviews | August 1949 | |||||||||
7 | Some common characteristics of the Gulf Stream and the atmospheric jet stream. Transactions, N.Y. Academy of Sciences | December 1950 | |||||||||
7 | We hope to witness the start of a hurricane. | undated | |||||||||
1 | Manuscripts | 1947-1948 | |||||||||
3 | 1 | Use of the sea for food production (draft missing p.3) | circa 1945 | ||||||||
1 | The future of oceanography at non-government private laboratories. | April 28, 1947 | |||||||||
1 | Recent developments in the study of the Gulf Stream. | undated | |||||||||
1 | AAAS Symposium on problems of the ocean. | September 16, 1948 | |||||||||
1 | Climatic changes, ancient and recent. | December 13, 1948 | |||||||||
1 | Oceanography and some applications to geophysical prospecting. | December 1, 1948 | |||||||||
1 | The scientific aspects of undersea warfare in the Arctic | undated | |||||||||
1 | Physics begins to go to sea. | May 7, 1948 | |||||||||
1 | Submarine operation. | April 27, 1948 | |||||||||
1 | Lecture, Clark University. | March 8, 1948 | |||||||||
1 | Memo to Dr. A.N. Richards and Dr. Detlev Bronk. | September 1, 1948 | |||||||||
2-3 | Manuscripts (2 folders) | 1949 | |||||||||
2 | Iselin’s last annual report to the Trustees of WHOI | August 4, 1950 | |||||||||
2 | Untitled partial draft re: undersea topography | undated | |||||||||
2 | The growth and development of oceanographic institutions. | undated | |||||||||
2 | Notes of talk given to foreign government fisheries people | February 9, 1949 | |||||||||
2 | New techniques in oceanographic research | [March, April 1949] | |||||||||
3 | Office of Naval Research speech, Boston | June 1949 | |||||||||
3 | Oceanographic problems in relation to sea combat and supply operations. | October 1949 | |||||||||
3 | Oceanography. For Think | 1949 | |||||||||
3 | Introduction to Oceanography section of the Home University Library, Oxford University Press | September 19, 1949 | |||||||||
3 | Speech to Harvard Engineering Society | undated | |||||||||
3 | North Atlantic oceanography | June 21, 1949 | |||||||||
4 | “Physical Oceanography” and Memo to the Director, July-Dec. 1951 | ||||||||||
5 | American Geophysical Union Symposium on Gulf Stream system | May 1952 | |||||||||
6 | American Philosophical Society paper “The Gulf Stream System”, 1952-57 | ||||||||||
7 | Manuscripts: “Circulation in lakes and oceans” and “Practical applications of oceanography” | March 4, 1952; 1952 | |||||||||
8 | Manuscripts and papers | 1954 | |||||||||
8 | Oceanography and naval architecture. | May-June 1954 | |||||||||
8 | Oceanographic factors in coastal waters influencing acoustical phenomena. | undated | |||||||||
8 | Recent advances in our understanding of the circulation problem and their implications for the future. | June 22, 1954, undated | |||||||||
8 | Review of Shuleykin’s 1949 book “Essays on the physics of the sea”. | August 19, 1954 | |||||||||
9 | Manuscripts | 1957-1959 | |||||||||
9 | Brief history of meteorology at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | September 1957 | |||||||||
9 | Synoptic studies in oceanography. | 1957 | |||||||||
9 | Matthew Fontaine Maury, pathfinder of the seas, Newcomen society | 1957 | |||||||||
9 | On the past, present, and future of oceanography. | April 1958 | |||||||||
9 | Oceanography in the government. | May 12, 1958 | |||||||||
9 | Oceanography and the Navy. | July 7, 1958, 1959 | |||||||||
9 | Oceanography and the Bureau of Ships. | July 31, 1958, February 1959 | |||||||||
9 | New research vessels. | Circa 1958 | |||||||||
9 | Environmental factors influencing the performance of Naval weapons systems, Pt. I | 1959 | |||||||||
9 | A new discovery in physical oceanography. Oceanus | April 1959 | |||||||||
10 | Manuscripts/National Academy of Sciences drafts | 1958-1962 | |||||||||
10 | Forecasting oceanographic parameters. | 1958-1959 | |||||||||
11 | Comments on six Russian oceanographic articles | 1960 | |||||||||
? | “The Sea--Ideas and Observations” Interscience Publishers | 1960-1962 | |||||||||
12 | Lectures and articles (3 folders) | 1960-1965 | |||||||||
12 | Three-dimensional thermal structure of the ocean | August 2-3, 1962 | |||||||||
12 | Future of international cooperation in oceanography | September 1961 | |||||||||
12 | Oceanographic forecasting | 1964, 1965 | |||||||||
12 | Interpretation and prediction of near surface oceanographic conditions in the North Atlantic (abstract) co-authored with R. Alexander | August 1965, undated | |||||||||
12 | Draft-re providing useful data to the Navy | 1965 | |||||||||
12 | M.I.T lecture on circulation | June 23, 1965 | |||||||||
12 | Resources of the sea lecture | undated | |||||||||
12 | Future of physical oceanography | 1965 | |||||||||
12 | no title – Capt. Lawton – re: potential resources of the ocean | undated | |||||||||
12 | M.I.T. club lecture | [May 20], 1965 | |||||||||
12 | “Atlantis II”, Capetown to Woods Hole | January 7, 1964 | |||||||||
12 | Folio 2 of the Serial Atlas of the Marine Environment | October 25, 1963 | |||||||||
12 | History and development of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | undated | |||||||||
12 | Short history of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. | undated | |||||||||
12 | Fuglister atlas program description (no clear authorship) | March 1960 | |||||||||
12 | On the status of marine science in the coastal waters of Massachusetts | January 3, 1962 | |||||||||
4 | 1 | Pastures of the sea. The Nation | April 27, 1964 | ||||||||
1 | Physical oceanography of the North Atlantic basin | undated | |||||||||
1 | Research in oceanography | February 3, 1963 | |||||||||
1 | Some suggestions regarding the Indian Ocean surveys | undated | |||||||||
1 | Environmental factors that might have contributed to the loss of the Thresher | July 17, 1963 | |||||||||
1 | Contributions of basic oceanography to the existing Polaris weapon system. | January 4, 1963 | |||||||||
1 | Organizing an environmental forecasting service for the needs of undersea warfare, no title. | undated | |||||||||
1 | Speech on 30 years in oceanography, probably given at a symposium, no title | undated | |||||||||
1 | Partial handwritten lecture | Circa 1963 | |||||||||
2 | Oceanography and navigation | 1962 | |||||||||
2 | Underwater Sound Laboratory lectures, New London CT | 1963 | |||||||||
2 | Oceanography 1961 | [1961] | |||||||||
2 | Defense applications, Chapt. 4 | April 18, 1960 | |||||||||
2 | The oceans are the key thing that makes the earth unique. Introduction | undated | |||||||||
2 | Physical oceanography 1930-1960 | August 10, 1960 | |||||||||
2 | The World Ocean | March 1960 | |||||||||
2 | Oceanography, 1962, Navigation | Autumn 1962 | |||||||||
2 | Oceanographic problems of the Arctic Ocean | undated | |||||||||
2 | An interpretation of the deep current measurements | undated | |||||||||
2 | Inshore fisheries management, Conference on marine resources | January 3, 1962 | |||||||||
2 | What sank “Thresher”, the A-sub? SR | October 5, 1963 | |||||||||
2 | Oceanography – Marine Science, the 1964 Jennings scholar lectures | December 12, 1964 | |||||||||
2 | Human food from ocean and land. (w. Emery, K.O.) - draft | July 22, 1967 | |||||||||
2 | Oceanographic forecasts. American Geographical Society | 1963 | |||||||||
2 | The ocean depths: solution to many of man’s problems. Alcan. | undated | |||||||||
2 | The loss of the Thresher (no source cited) | undated | |||||||||
2 | Arrivals & departures. Boston | November 1966 | |||||||||
3 | Manuscript: A brief history of oceanography and a glimpse into its future. | June 1963 | |||||||||
4 | Manuscript: The general circulation of the oceans | 1963 | |||||||||
5 | Manuscript: Improving world fisheries: the oceanographer’s viewpoint | September 1963 | |||||||||
6 | “A brief history of marine science” | December 21, 1964 | |||||||||
7 | SCOR General Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, “On the needs for oceanographic forecasts” | November 30-December 1, 1964 | |||||||||
8 | “The evolution of approaches to the problems of the Gulf Stream and some other aspects of marine science” | 1966 | |||||||||
9 | “Farmlands Under the Sea”, Alcan paper and drafts | 1966-1967 | |||||||||
10 | “On the problems involved in exploring potential marine resources”, draft for The Nation | 1967 | |||||||||
11 | Speech: “Air sea Interactions”, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory | June 7, 1967 | |||||||||
12 | “ The ocean environment”, Lecture, education program in oceanography, Institute of Environmental Science | 1967 | |||||||||
13 | “Oceanography and the Navy: 1937-1967” and “The evolution of approaches to the problems of the Gulf Stream system and some other aspects of marine science of interest to naval officers.” | 1967 | |||||||||
14 | “Human food from the ocean and land”, with Emery, K.O. Science | September 1967 | |||||||||
15 | Bigelow, H.B.- biography for National Academy of Sciences | 1967-1968 | |||||||||
16 | “The ocean: eventual solution to many problems”, Encyclopedia of Marine Resources | January 26, 1968 | |||||||||
17 | American Microchemical Society talk on Alfred Woodcock’s work | May 16, 1968 | |||||||||
18 | “The circulation of the oceans” | undated | |||||||||
19 | “Notes on water pockets or downward currents occasionally encountered by submarines”. | undated | |||||||||
5 | 1-2 | Lectures, rough drafts (2 folders) | 1945-1963 | ||||||||
1 | Physical oceanography | November 1945 | |||||||||
1 | Chapter III-The vertical structure of the oceans. | undated | |||||||||
1-2 | Various untitled lectures delivered by Iselin at Harvard and M.I.T. | 1953-1963 | |||||||||
3-4 | Harvard - Lectures, Talks (2 folders) | 1952-1963 | |||||||||
6 | 1 | Memos and speeches | Circa 1953 | ||||||||
1 | Measurements of the motions of the boat “Risk” at the Jamestown bridge | July 1-2, 1953 | |||||||||
1 | Untitled talk to engineers on the fishing industry | February 1953 | |||||||||
1 | Untitled talk at WHOI dinner on resources of the sea. | May 20, 1953 | |||||||||
2 | Manuscripts, papers | 1955 | |||||||||
2 | Recent developments in oceanography | June 12, 1955 | |||||||||
2 | Physical oceanography in relation to underwater acoustics | undated | |||||||||
2 | The present status of Arctic oceanography | January 1953, undated | |||||||||
2 | Coastal currents and the fisheries. | July 26, 1955 | |||||||||
3 | Lectures and papers | 1956-1959 | |||||||||
3 | Resources of the sea | 1959 | |||||||||
3 | The Navy’s future in oceanography | September 24, 1959 | |||||||||
3 | A brief preliminary assessment of the problems facing the Conference on Oceanic Environmental Predictions | January 8, 1959 | |||||||||
3 | Untitled draft on circulation | undated | |||||||||
3 | Along what path is physical oceanography most likely to proceed? | undated | |||||||||
3 | Memo to senior scientists on the deep circulation of the oceans | February 18, 1955 | |||||||||
3 | Philosophy of oceanographic instrumentation. (no clear authorship) | undated | |||||||||
3 | Problem of the Gulf Stream. | undated | |||||||||
3 | Notes made on an article by Dr. Herbert Riehl | 1956 | |||||||||
4 | Lectures at Harvard | 1965 | |||||||||
5 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography, Ocean-wide survey panel, “The evolution of approaches to the problems of the Gulf Stream system” | 1966 | |||||||||
6 | “Recent developments in marine sciences”, National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings | January 30, 1968 | |||||||||
7 | “Notes on descriptive physical oceanography” | 1969 |
Correspondence 1930-1969 9 boxes (4.5 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Scope and Content Note | |||||||||||
This series contains correspondence with other scientists and friends in oceanographic fields, WHOI scientists at sea or in the field, U.S. Navy and government personnel, officials at the organizations and corporations for whom he served as advisor, board member or trustee, and people in the academic world. In some cases papers, articles, critiques of papers of theories, or notes for manuscripts, are included in the correspondence, (see Scientific: general correspondence 1940, 2 folders, Box 3 and 4 for letters between Iselin, Johann Hjort, and A.G. Huntsman including a paper on fisheries and marine biology). | |||||||||||
Between the years 1930-39 Iselin maintained separate files for individuals with whom he corresponded frequently. These often contain additional material such as scientific papers and cruise orders (see Individuals: correspondence: McMurray, F.S.-1932-37, Box 1-2). After 1940, correspondence was kept in general alphabetic order by personal last name, or corporate name, with some exceptions. Subject and Correspondence files have some of the same types of materials. | |||||||||||
Iselin maintained an interesting scientific relationship with Alfred Woodcock, documenting some of the early ideas leading to Woodcock’s publications and those that Iselin and Woodcock co-authored [General correspondence, 1939 Box 3 and Scientific: general correspondence, 1940 Box 3-4] Correspondence with Drs. Joanne and Willem Malkus, associated with WHOI, (Correspondence M, 1951-59 – Box 6). | |||||||||||
Other correspondents include: Schroeder, W. (Box 2), Sverdrup, H., Stetson, H., Smith, Edward (Box 2), Couper, B.K. (Bureau of Ships), (Box 5), Hersey, Brackett (Box 6), von Arx. W. (Box 5), Smith, F.G. (University of Miami)(Box 5), Walford, L.A. (U.S. Fish & Wildlife)(Box 7), Todd, F.H. (Navy) (Box 7), Huntsman, A.G. (Box 8), “Chance” (Box 8), and Hezen, Bruce (Box 8). | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||
7 | 1 | Correspondence | 1930-1931 | ||||||||
2 | Copenhagen letters | 1931 | |||||||||
3 | U.S. Navy correspondence and data (including USS Semmes) | October 1936-December 1937 | |||||||||
4 | A-Z | 1936 | |||||||||
5 | A-G | 1937 | |||||||||
6 | H-R | 1937 | |||||||||
7 | S-Z | 1937 | |||||||||
8-9 | Individuals: Bigelow, Henry (2 folders) | 1932-1937 | |||||||||
10 | Individuals: Ewing, W. Maurice | 1937 | |||||||||
11 | Individuals: Fleming, John | 1932-1936 | |||||||||
12 | Individuals: Emmons, Gardner | 1931 | |||||||||
13-14 | Individuals: McMurray, F.S. (Capt.), “Atlantis” reports, inventory, cruise letters (2 folders) | 1932-1937 | |||||||||
15 | Individuals: Morrison, S.E., cruise of the “Ptarmigan” | 1937 | |||||||||
16 | Individuals: Parr. A.E. | 1937 | |||||||||
17 | Individuals: Piggott, C.S. | 1936-1937 | |||||||||
18 | Individuals: Bigelow, Henry B. | 1938 | |||||||||
19 | Individuals: Emmons, Gardner | 1938 | |||||||||
20 | Individuals: Ewing, Maurice | 1938 | |||||||||
8 | 1 | Individuals: McMurray, Capt. F.S. | 1938 | ||||||||
2 | Individuals: Parr, A.E. | 1938 | |||||||||
3 | Individuals: A-B | 1938 | |||||||||
4 | Individuals: C-D | 1938 | |||||||||
5 | Individuals: E-G | 1938 | |||||||||
6 | Individuals: H-K | 1938 | |||||||||
7 | Individuals: L-N | 1938 | |||||||||
8 | Individuals: O-R | 1938 | |||||||||
9 | Individuals: S-U | 1938 | |||||||||
10 | Individuals: V-Z | 1938 | |||||||||
11 | General | 1938 | |||||||||
12 | Individuals: Bigelow, Henry | 1939 | |||||||||
13 | Individuals: Ewing, Maurice | 1939 | |||||||||
14 | Individuals: McMurray, Capt. F.S. | 1939 | |||||||||
15 | Individuals: Parr, A.E. | 1939 | |||||||||
9 | 1 | Individuals: A-B | 1939-1942 | ||||||||
2 | Individuals: C-D | 1939 | |||||||||
3 | Individuals: E-G | 1939 | |||||||||
4 | Individuals: H-K | 1939 | |||||||||
5 | Individuals: L-N | 1939 | |||||||||
6 | Individuals: O-R | 1939 | |||||||||
7 | Individuals: V-Z | 1939 | |||||||||
8 | General | 1939 | |||||||||
9 | General | 1940 | |||||||||
10 | Scientific (1 of 2) | 1940 | |||||||||
10 | 1 | Scientific (2 of 2) | 1940 | ||||||||
2 | Scientific: Parr, A.E. | 1940-1942 | |||||||||
3 | Scientific: Wheeler, Dr. John | 1940 | |||||||||
4 | Scientific | 1941-1944 | |||||||||
5-6 | General A-Z (2 folders) | 1945-1946 | |||||||||
7-8 | General A-Z (2 folders) | 1946-1950 | |||||||||
9 | A-L | 1948-1950 | |||||||||
10 | M-Z (1 of 2) | 1948-1950 | |||||||||
11 | 1 | M-Z (2 of 2) | 1948-1950 | ||||||||
2 | A-Z | 1951-1953 | |||||||||
3 | Lectures/Correspondence | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
4 | Lamont / Ewing correspondence / notes on “Vema” accident | 1951-1955 | |||||||||
5 | A | 1955-1958 | |||||||||
6 | B | 1951-1956 | |||||||||
7 | C | 1951-1958 | |||||||||
8 | D-E | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
9 | F | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
12 | 1 | G | 1951-1959 | ||||||||
2 | H | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
3 | I-J-K | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
4 | L | 1952-1959 | |||||||||
5 | M | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
6 | Mc | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
7 | N | 1951-1958 | |||||||||
8 | O | 1953-1959 | |||||||||
9 | P | 1950-1959 | |||||||||
10 | R | 1951-1956 | |||||||||
11 | Roy Rather, Jr. (Cricket Experiment) | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
13 | 1 | S | 1951-1954 | ||||||||
2 | S | 1955-1959 | |||||||||
3 | T | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
4 | U –V | 1950-1959 | |||||||||
5 | W | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
6 | X-Y-Z | 1956-1959 | |||||||||
7 | A – Z | 1954 | |||||||||
8 | Stevens, Raymond (Arthur D. Little) | 1955 | |||||||||
9 | A-Z | 1955-1959 | |||||||||
10 | “The Sea” – Interscience Publishers correspondence | 1957-1960 | |||||||||
11 | Time magazine cover, correspondence | 1959-1960 | |||||||||
14 | 1 | General | 1959-1960 | ||||||||
2 | A-B | 1959-1969 | |||||||||
3 | C-D | 1959-1969 | |||||||||
4 | E-F | 1960-1969 | |||||||||
5 | G | 1960-1968 | |||||||||
6 | H | 1959-1968 | |||||||||
7 | I-J | 1960-1967 | |||||||||
8 | K-L | 1961-1968 | |||||||||
9 | M | 1960-1968 | |||||||||
10 | N | 1960-1968 | |||||||||
15 | 1 | O-P-R | 1960-1968 | ||||||||
2 | S | 1960-1969 | |||||||||
3 | T-U-V | 1962-1968 | |||||||||
4 | W-X-Y-Z | 1960-1969 | |||||||||
5-6 | Cresswell, G.M. Tiburon Oceanographic Institute (2 folders) | 1960-1969 | |||||||||
7 | “The Sea--Ideas and Observations” Interscience Publishers | 1960-1962 | |||||||||
8 | Burstyn, Harold | 1961-1968 | |||||||||
9 | McLean, Noel B. | 1963-1964 | |||||||||
10 | Correspondence and Notes | 1965-1966 | |||||||||
11 | Franklin Institute lecture: “Potential marine resources”, correspondence | April 19, 1967 |
Subjects 1931-1974 15 boxes (7.5 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Scope and Content Note | |||||||||||
This series contains a great deal of administrative correspondence related to the associations, organizations, panels, committees, council, and corporate advisory boards in which Iselin participated actively from 1939-68. Bermuda Biological Station folders show Iselin’s role in establishing this WHOI partnership in hydrological and biological research, and as its director and a trustee. In addition there are meeting reports, summaries, reviews, proposals, contract and proposal material, material on the Senate Marine Science Bill and hearings at which Iselin testified (Box 9). Correspondence in the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography folder discusses disposal of radioactive waste at sea, and communication with Richard Vetter on the Navy’s mission to control research ships (Box 7). Iselin was very involved with ship design and the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (Box 6) contains detailed material about Project H-7, Seakeeping Characteristics. WHOI was in the business of providing institutions with “standard sea water” (Box 4). An early Atlantis cruise to Cuban waters is also discussed (Box 1). | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||
16 | 1 | Burmeister & Wain, Ltd. | 1931 | ||||||||
2 | Ideas and suggestions, ship plans from American Maiershipform Co. NY | 1931-1935 | |||||||||
3 | Cableship “Kelvin” current observations, North Atlantic | 1933 | |||||||||
4 | “Atlantis” repairs | 1933-1936 | |||||||||
5 | Bermuda Biological Station report | 1934-1935 | |||||||||
6 | North American Council | 1934-1935 | |||||||||
7 | WHOI budget | 1935 | |||||||||
8 | Committee on new bathymetric chart of North America | 1935 | |||||||||
9 | Edinburgh Assembly (International Union of Geodesy & Geophysics) | 1936 | |||||||||
10 | Bermuda Advisory Council minutes | 1936-1937 | |||||||||
11 | Bermuda Biological Station/ J.F.G. Wheeler | 1936-1937 | |||||||||
12 | Bermuda Biological Station/ Conklin, Harrison, Rand | 1936-1937 | |||||||||
13 | Bermuda Biological Station/ Minutes | 1936-1937 | |||||||||
14-15 | North American Council on Fisheries Investigation (2 folders) | 1936-1937 | |||||||||
16 | Bermuda Biological Station/ general mail | 1936-1937 | |||||||||
17 | Bermuda Biological Station/votes of Trustees in March | March 1937 | |||||||||
18 | Bermuda Biological Station/Stanley Kemp | 1937 | |||||||||
19 | Cuba trip AT 74 | December 1937-April 1938 | |||||||||
20 | Nautical notes | 1937 | |||||||||
21 | WHOI Trustee’s mtg. | 1937 | |||||||||
22 | Personal: American Geophysical Union | 1938 | |||||||||
17 | 1 | Personal: Bermuda project | 1938 | ||||||||
2 | Personal: Bermuda seismograph | 1938 | |||||||||
3 | Personal: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics | 1938-1939 | |||||||||
4 | Personal: North American Council on Fishery Investigation | 1938-1939 | |||||||||
5 | General: Estate of C. O. Iselin | 1938 | |||||||||
6 | General: Harvard University | 1938-1939 | |||||||||
7 | General: Insurance | 1938 | |||||||||
8 | General: O’Donnell Iselin | 1938 | |||||||||
9 | General: St. Marks school | 1938 | |||||||||
10 | Banking and financial | 1939-1944 | |||||||||
11 | General: Graphs (temperature & salinity) | 1939 | |||||||||
12 | General: Eastern Shipbuilding Corp. | 1939-1942 | |||||||||
13 | General: Harvard University | 1939 | |||||||||
14 | General: O’Donnell Iselin | 1939-1944 | |||||||||
15 | General: St. Marks school | 1939 | |||||||||
16 | General: Harvard University | 1940-1945 | |||||||||
18 | 1 | Scientific: American Geophysical Union | 1939 | ||||||||
2-4 | Scientific: Bermuda Station (3 folders) | 1936-1939 | |||||||||
5 | Scientific: International Union of Geodosy and Geophysics | 1939 | |||||||||
6 | Scientific: National Research Council | 1939-1940 | |||||||||
7 | Scientific: Seismograph/Bermuda | 1939 | |||||||||
8 | Scientific: American Geophysical Union | 1940 | |||||||||
9 | Scientific: Biological Abstracts | 1940 | |||||||||
10 | Scientific: Contract list | 1940-1951 | |||||||||
11 | Scientific: National Research Council | 1940-1941 | |||||||||
12 | Scientific: American Geophysical Union | 1941-1945 | |||||||||
13 | War work, biweekly reports | 1942 | |||||||||
14 | War work, biweekly reports | 1943 | |||||||||
19 | 1 | War work, biweekly reports | 1944 | ||||||||
2 | War work, biweekly reports | 1945 | |||||||||
3-4 | Standard sea water (2 folders) | 1945-1952 | |||||||||
5 | Welsh: Bermuda Biological Station | 1946 | |||||||||
6 | Brown, Dugald: Bermuda Biological Station | 1947-1949 | |||||||||
7 | Civil service | 1946-1947 | |||||||||
8 | England | 1946-1950 | |||||||||
9 | Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission | 1946-1950 | |||||||||
10 | Harvard University | 1947-1950 | |||||||||
11 | American Geophysical Union | 1947-1950 | |||||||||
12 | National Academy of Science Conference on Oceanography | May 20-21, 1949 | |||||||||
13 | Undersea Warfare Committee | 1950 | |||||||||
14 | American Geophysical Union | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
20 | 1 | American Museum of Natural History | 1951-1959 | ||||||||
2-3 | Marine Fisheries Engineering Research Institute (2 folders) | 1951-1952 | |||||||||
4 | National Academy of Sciences | 1951-1956 | |||||||||
5 | Mine Advisory Committee, National Academy of Sciences | 1951-1958 | |||||||||
6 | Office of Naval Research | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
7 | Committee on Electronics, Panel on Acoustics, Research and Development Board | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
8-9 | Committee on Undersea Warfare (2 folders) | 1951-1959 | |||||||||
21 | 1 | Marine and Fisheries Engineering Research Institute | 1952-1956 | ||||||||
2-5 | Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (4 folders) | 1953-1957 | |||||||||
6 | National Academy of Sciences | 1954 | |||||||||
7 | Ocean Resources Institute | 1956 | |||||||||
8 | Office of Naval Research | 1954-1956 | |||||||||
9 | Project proposals, U.S. Depts. of Commerce and Navy | 1954-1956 | |||||||||
10 | Trustees | 1954-1955 | |||||||||
22 | 1 | Texas Towers | 1954-1956 | ||||||||
2 | National Science Foundation | 1956-1960 | |||||||||
3 | Project Nobska- Committee on Undersea Warfare | 1956 | |||||||||
4 | Project Nobska /A-C | 1956 | |||||||||
5 | Project Nobska /D-F | 1956-1957 | |||||||||
6 | Project Nobska / G-J | 1956 | |||||||||
7 | Project Nobska / K-N | 1956 | |||||||||
8 | Project Nobska / O-S | 1956 | |||||||||
9 | Project Nobska / T-Z | 1956 | |||||||||
10 | Nobska II | 1957 | |||||||||
11-12 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (2 folders) | 1957-1960 | |||||||||
23 | 1-2 | Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (2 folders) | 1958-1959 | ||||||||
3-6 | N.A.T.O. Subcommittee on Oceanographic Research (4 folders) | 1959-1961 | |||||||||
7 | N.A.T.O./SCOR Meeting-Paris | 1961 | |||||||||
8-10 | National Academy of Sciences/Committee on Oceanography (3 folders) | 1959 | |||||||||
11 | Subcommittee on Oceanography/Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries | April 21, 1959 | |||||||||
24 | 1 | Senate bill S2692 (Marine Science) | 1960 | ||||||||
2-3 | National Academy of Sciences- Committee on Oceanography (2 folders) | 1960 | |||||||||
4-5 | National Academy of Sciences-Committee on Oceanography/Panel on Indian Ocean (2 folders) | 1960-1963 | |||||||||
6 | International Indian Ocean expedition | 1960-1963 | |||||||||
7 | National Academy of Sciences-Committee on Undersea Warfare | 1960-1963 | |||||||||
8 | Bermuda Biological Station | 1960-1967 | |||||||||
9 | Operations Evaluation Group, Dept. of Navy | 1960-1962 | |||||||||
10 | American Geographical Society Serial Atlas of the Marine Environment | 1961-1968 | |||||||||
11 | Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission | 1961-1965 | |||||||||
12 | Kraus, Eric B. Aruba expedition | 1961-1965 | |||||||||
25 | 1 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography | 1961 | ||||||||
2-3 | National Academy of Sciences, Ocean-Wide Survey Panel (2 folders) | 1961-1962 | |||||||||
4 | Traveler’s Research Center | 1961-1964 | |||||||||
5 | National Academy of Sciences, Ocean-wide Survey Panel – Washington, D.C. | October 4, 1962 | |||||||||
6-7 | N.A.T.O. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) (2 folders) | 1962 | |||||||||
26 | 1-2 | S.C.O.R. (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research) Working Party on Fishery Oceanography (2 folders) | 1962-1963 | ||||||||
3-4 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (2 folders) | January-June 1962 | |||||||||
5-6 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (2 folders) | July-December 1962 | |||||||||
7 | NASCO/ICO Joint Executive Meeting Seattle, Washington | June 29-30, 1962 | |||||||||
8 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (NASCO) Meeting, Lubec, Maine | August 25-26, 1962 | |||||||||
9 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (NASCO) Meeting, Kingston, R.I. | November 3-4, 1962 | |||||||||
10 | Welander, Dr. Pierre/ Differential pressure tube | 1961-1965 | |||||||||
11 | American Geographical Society | 1963-1967 | |||||||||
27 | 1 | National Academy of Sciences Ocean-wide Survey Panel | 1963 | ||||||||
2 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (NASCO) Meeting, Washington, D.C. | March 10-11, 1963 | |||||||||
3 | National Academy of Sciences Ocean-wide Survey Panel/ICO Surveys Panel, Sept. 27, 1963, Washington, D.C. | 1963 | |||||||||
4 | N.A.T.O. Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Bergen, Sweden | 1963 | |||||||||
5 | Trustees/ Nominating Committee | 1963-1965 | |||||||||
6 | Traveler’s Research Center, Scientific Advisory Committee Hartford, CT | September 12, 1963 | |||||||||
7 | Three courses in oceanography, National Science Foundation grant | November 27, 1963 | |||||||||
8 | GEO 100/ Summer Course | 1963-1964 | |||||||||
9 | Visiting committee Meeting | September 16-20, 1963 | |||||||||
10 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (NASCO) Meeting, Lamont Geological Observatory | January 12-13, 1963 | |||||||||
11 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (1 of 2) | 1963 | |||||||||
28 | 1 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (2 of 2) | 1963 | ||||||||
2 | NASCO Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota | June 5-6, 1963 | |||||||||
3 | NASCO Meeting, Lubec, Maine | July 21-23, 1963 | |||||||||
4 | NASCO Meeting and NASCO/ICO Meeting, Washington. D.C. | September 22-30, 1963 | |||||||||
5 | Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Meeting, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Halifax N.S. | April 4-8, 1963 | |||||||||
6 | SCOR (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research of the International Council of Scientific Unions) | 1964-1968 | |||||||||
7 | National Academy of Sciences | 1964-1968 | |||||||||
8-9 | N.A.T.O. Sub-Committee on Oceanographic Research (2 folders) | 1964 | |||||||||
10 | N.A.T.O. Sub-Committee on Oceanographic Research, Paris, France | November 9-11, 1964 | |||||||||
11 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Undersea Warfare | 1964 | |||||||||
12 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography, Ocean-wide Survey Panel | 1964 | |||||||||
13-14 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (folders 1 and 2 of 3) | 1964 | |||||||||
29 | 1 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography (folder 3 of 3) | 1964 | ||||||||
2 | Board of Control of Florida, Tallahassee | July 20-24, 1964 | |||||||||
3 | U.S. Senate, Claiborne Pell | 1965-1968 | |||||||||
4 | N.A.T.O. Sub-Committee on Oceanographic Research | 1965 | |||||||||
5 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography | 1965 | |||||||||
6 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Undersea Warfare | 1965 | |||||||||
7 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography, Ocean-wide survey panel, Washington D.C. | 1965 | |||||||||
8 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Fall lecture series | December 2, 1965 | |||||||||
9 | American Geographical Society | 1966-1969 | |||||||||
10 | Bigelow Medal presentation | 1966 | |||||||||
11 | McGraw –Hill Modern Men of Science-Iselin autobiography | 1966 | |||||||||
12 | N.A.T.O. Sub-Committee on Oceanographic Research | 1966 | |||||||||
13 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Oceanography | 1966 | |||||||||
14 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Undersea Warfare | 1966 | |||||||||
15 | Travelers Research Center | 1966 | |||||||||
16 | Appointment calendar | 1967 | |||||||||
17 | American Institute of Biological Sciences, Seattle, Washington | July 18-20, 1967 | |||||||||
18 | American Geophysical Union-Gulf Stream Symposium | April 17-20, 1967 | |||||||||
19 | Life Science Award at College of New Rochelle | October 15, 1967 | |||||||||
20 | N.A.T.O. Sub-Committee on Oceanographic Research | 1967 | |||||||||
30 | 1 | National Academy of Sciences Committee on Undersea Warfare | 1967-1968 | ||||||||
2 | Travelers Research Center | 1967 | |||||||||
3 | National Oceanography Association | 1967-1968 | |||||||||
4 | N.A.T.O. grant No. 307 Atlas of the Mediterranean Sea, A. Miller | 1967-1969 | |||||||||
5 | Marine Sciences Research Laboratory, Science Advisory Group, Memorial University of Newfoundland | 1968 | |||||||||
6-7 | N.A.T.O. Sub-Committee on Oceanographic Research, Brussels, February (2 folders) | 1968 | |||||||||
8 | Travelers Research Center/ Scientific Advisory Committee | 1968-1970 | |||||||||
9 | Iselin memorials, including Oceanus issue Vol.XVI, No. 2 | 1971-1974 |
Personal 1904-1968 4 boxes (4 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Scope and Content Note | |||||||||||
This series primarily contains correspondence Iselin conducted with friends, potential crew and scientists prior to and including the early years he spent at WHOI, particularly in regard to the construction and staffing of the Atlantis. Among those represented in the correspondence are Henry Bigelow, A.E. Parr, and A.G. Huntsman (Box 31). Iselin’s writing is well represented in this series, as seen in a draft of his narrative about WHOI during World War II (Box 31) and two personal logs of the earliest Atlantis voyages, a satirical piece about Harold Backus, an early Atlantis engineer, and an unfinished draft of Iselin’s personal history, (restricted use)(Box 32). | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||
Access Restrictions | |||||||||||
Access to Box 32, folder 13, "Personal history (draft)", is restricted. | |||||||||||
31 | 1 | Birth certificate and will information | 1904-1934 | ||||||||
2 | Class notebook | 1926-1929 | |||||||||
3 | Correspondence, personal: A-C | 1926-1932 | |||||||||
4 | Correspondence, personal: D-J | 1926-1932 | |||||||||
5 | Correspondence, personal: K-N | 1926-1932 | |||||||||
6 | Correspondence, personal: R-Z | 1926-1932 | |||||||||
7 | Experimental Twin-hull Gansett | Circa 1930 | |||||||||
8 | “Atlantis” / “Chance” supplies | 1931-1932 | |||||||||
9 | Harvard/Sigma Xi | 1935 | |||||||||
10 | Draft (folder A)” WHOI history during the war years, 1941-1950” | undated | |||||||||
11 | Draft (folder B)” WHOI history during the war years, 1941-1950” | undated | |||||||||
12 | Correspondence, personal | 1965 | |||||||||
32 | 1 | Schooner “Chance”, 1st cruise | July 9-September 11, 1925 | ||||||||
2 | Knowlton’s “Labrador Diary” – “Chance” 2nd cruise | 1926 | |||||||||
3-4 | “Atlantis” personal logbooks (2 folders) | 1928-1933 | |||||||||
5-8 | “Atlantis” Copenhagen receipts (4 folders) | 1931-1932 | |||||||||
9 | “The Backus Factor” (draft) | 1967 | |||||||||
10 | Henry Bigelow letter (comments on Iselin’s memoirs) | July 17, [1965] | |||||||||
11 | The Iselin Banks | 1937 | |||||||||
12 | “Atlantis” historical info., first crew list, captains | 1930-1946 | |||||||||
13 | Personal history (draft) – RESTRICTED by Dr. Fye | Circa 1965 | |||||||||
33 | 1 | Eastern Shipbuilding Corp. Financial records | 1930-1935 | ||||||||
2 | Certificate from the National Academy of Sciences | 1951 | |||||||||
3 | Certificate from the American Philosophical Society | 1950 | |||||||||
4 | U.S. Medal for Merit, certificate and associated papers | 1948 | |||||||||
34 | 1 | U.S. Naval Development Center Photographs presented in folder | undated | ||||||||
2 | Honorary Doctorate from Brown University | 1947 | |||||||||
3 | Honorary Doctorate Certificate from the College of New Rochelle | 1967 | |||||||||
4 | 25 Years of Service Certificate from Harvard University | 1957 | |||||||||
5 | Honorary Doctorate Certificate from the University of Rhode Island | 1968 |