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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution A Guide to the Carl O. Bowin Papers, 1958-1999 Manuscript Collection MC-27 21 boxes (24.375 lin. ft.) |
Carl O. Bowin was born in Los Angeles, CA in 1934. He did his undergraduate work at the California Institute of Technology, and received his M.A. in geology at Northwestern University in 1957, and his Ph.D. at Princeton University in 1960.
Bowin was an instructor at Princeton in the geology department until he was named as a research associate at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in 1961, doing geophysical work under J.B. Hersey.
The Carl O. Bowin papers consist of materials relating to Bowin's work at WHOI from 1958-1999.
The custodial history of the records is undocumented.
Carl O. Bowin Papers, 1958-1999. MC-27, "Folder Name." Data Library and Archives, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
The papers were donated by Carl Bowin in several accessions dating from 1981 to 2009, including acc. 1998-10, 1999-02, 1999-05 and 2002-05. Accessions 2009-40 and 2009-41 were received from Carl Bowin's office in the Clark building on September 16, 21 and 23, 2009. Accession 2009-48 was received on November 12, 2009.
Second-level processing completed in September 2006 by Beverly Woods.
Open: materials are available for research.
Copyright: Permission to publish material from the collection must be authorized by the Institution Archivist.
See Carl Bowin's biographical file for several news clippings on his work, and Bowin's oral history interviews.
The papers are arranged in seven series:
Subject Files 1961-1998 6 boxes (7 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders in the series are arranged alphabetically. | |||||||||||
1 | 1 | (AAAS) American Association for the Advancement of Science | 1991-1998 | ||||||||
2 | ABBESS Instruments | 1990-1994 | |||||||||
3 | Access Technology Inc. | 1984 | |||||||||
4 | Aeroflex | 1964-1974 | |||||||||
5 | (ACIC) Aeronautical Chart and Information Center | 1966-1973 | |||||||||
6 | Aero Service | 1985 | |||||||||
7 | (AFCRL) Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (AFSC) | 1970-1990 | |||||||||
8 | (AAPG) American Association of Petroleum Geologists | 1979-1986 | |||||||||
9 | Academic Press | 1981 | |||||||||
10 | (ACT) Advanced Color Technology | 1981 | |||||||||
11 | (AFGL) Air Force Geophysics Lab | 1982-1985 | |||||||||
12 | (AGI) American Geological Institute | 1968-1987 | |||||||||
13 | (AGU) American Geophysical Union | 1986-1997 | |||||||||
14 | American Men & Women of Science | 1988-1994 | |||||||||
15 | Ames – NASA Research Center | 1983-1989 | |||||||||
16 | Applicon | 1982 | |||||||||
17 | (ARAMCO) Arabian American Oil Co. | 1977-1990 | |||||||||
18 | ARCO | 1982-1985 | |||||||||
19 | Ardent Computer | 1988 | |||||||||
20 | Army Map Service | 1966-1973 | |||||||||
21 | AMSOC Committee – Mohole Project | 1963 | |||||||||
22 | Asiatic Petroleum Corp | 1969-1971 | |||||||||
23 | Askania – Werke | 1962-1968 | |||||||||
24 | Atari System | 1987-1991 | |||||||||
25 | Atlantic Oil Co | 1965 | |||||||||
26 | Bedford Institute of Oceanography | 1989 | |||||||||
27 | Bureau Gravimetrique International | 1998 | |||||||||
28 | Boston Center for International Visitors | 1989 | |||||||||
29 | Boston Computer Society | 1990 | |||||||||
30 | Boston Museum of Science | 1991 | |||||||||
31 | Bernard Price Inst. – Univ. of Witwatersrand, Johannesborg | 1973-1975 | |||||||||
32 | Bromley Engineering | 1987 | |||||||||
33 | Brown University | 1995 | |||||||||
34 | Brigham Young University | 1987 | |||||||||
35 | California Computer Products Corp. | 1986-1987 | |||||||||
36 | California Exploration Co. | 1961 | |||||||||
37 | California Standard Company | 1965 | |||||||||
38 | California Inst. of Technology | 1989-1995 | |||||||||
39 | California Inst. of Technology | 1963-1986 | |||||||||
40 | Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge, England | 1972-1980 | |||||||||
41 | Campus Technology | 1996 | |||||||||
42 | CAMS | 1985 | |||||||||
43 | Univ. of Cape Town, South Africa | 1972-1975 | |||||||||
44 | Carson Services Inc. | 1996 | |||||||||
45 | CCOP | 1983-1987 | |||||||||
46 | Cerritos Computer Services Inc. | 1981 | |||||||||
47 | Chevron Exploration Company | 1969-1992 | |||||||||
48 | CIA | 1985 | |||||||||
49 | Cipher | 1990 | |||||||||
50 | Cities Service Company | 1980 | |||||||||
51 | Computer Microfilm Corp. | 1972-1973 | |||||||||
52 | U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey | 1963-1969 | |||||||||
53 | Commonwealth Oil Company | 1961 | |||||||||
54 | Communications Consortium Inc. | 1983-1985 | |||||||||
55 | Compaq Computer Corp. | 1989 | |||||||||
56 | Compu Club | 1987-1988 | |||||||||
57 | Computer Sciences Corp. | 1970-1974 | |||||||||
58 | Congress | 1990 | |||||||||
59 | Convex Computer | 1989-1993 | |||||||||
60 | Conoco | 1991-1993 | |||||||||
61 | Continental Oil Company | 1979 | |||||||||
62 | Cornell Univ. | 1977-1993 | |||||||||
2 | 1 | Crustal Dynamics | 1993-1998 | ||||||||
2 | CRC Press | 1994 | |||||||||
3 | Data Access Systems | 1989 | |||||||||
4 | Dell Computers | 1997 | |||||||||
5 | DIA | 1975-1977 | |||||||||
6 | Deutsches Hydrographisches Inst. | 1966-1967 | |||||||||
7 | DG/Systems | 1984 | |||||||||
8 | Digital Equipment Corp. (PDP Computer) | 1966-1991 | |||||||||
9 | DEC – 9000 | 1990-1991 | |||||||||
10 | DMA | 1990-1998 | |||||||||
11 | DOD (General) | 1991-1992 | |||||||||
12 | DOE | 1978-1992 | |||||||||
13 | Draper Lab (MIT) | 1980-1983 | |||||||||
14 | DRC | 1985 | |||||||||
15 | DSDP | 1972-1985 | |||||||||
16 | University of Durham, England | 1971-1986 | |||||||||
17 | Earth Physics, Dept. of Mines & Resources | 1968-1984 | |||||||||
18 | Earth Satellite Corp. | 1983-1987 | |||||||||
19 | East-West Center – Hawaii | 1994 | |||||||||
20 | ECAFE | 1971-1983 | |||||||||
21 | Elseiner Publishing Co., The Netherlands | 1969-1971 | |||||||||
22 | EOSAT | 1989-1996 | |||||||||
23 | ESC (European Software Cont. (ASC American Software Cont.) | 1981-1984 | |||||||||
24 | ESRI, Inc | 1996-1998 | |||||||||
25 | Esso Production Research Co. | 1964-1983 | |||||||||
26 | ESSA (Environmental Science Service Adm.) | 1965-1970 | |||||||||
27 | Esso Exploration Corp. | 1971-1975 | |||||||||
28 | European Association of Exploration Geophysicists | 1968-1975 | |||||||||
29 | Exxon | 1973-1985 | |||||||||
30 | Falconbridge Dominicana, Dominican Republic | 1958-1980 | |||||||||
31 | Falmouth Schools | 1992 | |||||||||
32 | Federal Institute for Geoscience & Natural Resources, Germany | 1976 | |||||||||
33 | FOG (First Osborne Group)/DOG (Denver Osborne Group) | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
34 | Fotobeam Inc. | 1976-1981 | |||||||||
35 | Franz Lisp Inc. | 1987 | |||||||||
36 | Frequent Flyer Programs | 1987 | |||||||||
37 | General Micro Systems | 1989 | |||||||||
38 | Geodyne | 1968 | |||||||||
39 | GSA (Geological Society of America) | 1964-1992 | |||||||||
40 | Geometrics | 1973 | |||||||||
41 | Geophysical & Polar Research Center, Univ. of Wisconsin | 1962 | |||||||||
42 | Geospace Corp. | 1982-1985 | |||||||||
43 | Getech | 1996 | |||||||||
44 | GMT Systems | undated | |||||||||
45 | Graphic Microfilm of New England Inc. | 1973-1977 | |||||||||
46 | Grass – GIS | 1992 | |||||||||
47 | GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Center | 1992 | |||||||||
48 | GWR Instruments Inc. | 1992 | |||||||||
49 | Gulf Oil Corporation | 1961-1981 | |||||||||
50 | Harris Corp. (Computer System Div.) | 1985 | |||||||||
51 | Harvard | 1992 | |||||||||
52 | Hawaii Institute of Geophysics | 1970-1985 | |||||||||
53 | Hertz | 1985-1991 | |||||||||
54-55 | Hewlett Packard (2 files) | 1966-1994 | |||||||||
56 | Honey well | 1985-1997 | |||||||||
57 | Hunt Oil Company | 1990 | |||||||||
58 | Hydrographic Dept. (British) | 1967 | |||||||||
59 | USN – Hydrographic Office | 1967 | |||||||||
3 | 1 | IBM | 1991-1992 | ||||||||
2 | Institute of Oceanographic Science (England) | 1977-1984 | |||||||||
3 | Inter American Geodetic Survey | 1965-1985 | |||||||||
4 | Imperial College | 1975 | |||||||||
5 | IMSL | 1984-1986 | |||||||||
6 | Institute of Goedesy Photogrammetry & Cartography | 1970 | |||||||||
7 | IEEE Computer Survey | 1974-1985 | |||||||||
8 | Impediment | 1993-1998 | |||||||||
9 | Inamore Foundation | 1991 | |||||||||
10 | Integrated Geophysical Corp. | 1992 | |||||||||
11 | International Gravity Commission | 1969-1994 | |||||||||
12 | International Parallel Machines Inc. | 1988 | |||||||||
13 | Iomega | 1997 | |||||||||
14 | IRIS | 1986-1992 | |||||||||
15 | ISSCO Graphic Software | 1985 | |||||||||
16 | ISTAC, Inc. | 1987 | |||||||||
17 | J & J Assoc. | 1988 | |||||||||
18 | Jason Project | undated | |||||||||
19 | JOI | 1982-1986 | |||||||||
20 | Journals | 1963-1992 | |||||||||
21 | LaCoste – Romberg | 1957-1996 | |||||||||
22 | JOIDES – Drilling Sites | 1965-1966 | |||||||||
23 | JPL - Jet Propulsion Lab | 1980-1995 | |||||||||
24 | Kansas Geological Survey | 1981 | |||||||||
25 | Know – ware Products | 1984 | |||||||||
26 | KSR – Kendall Square Research | 1993 | |||||||||
27 | Lake Systems | 1985 | |||||||||
28-29 | Lamont – Doherty Geological Observatory (2 Files) | 1973-1992 | |||||||||
30 | Lockheed | 1990 | |||||||||
31 | Lunar Science Institute | 1974-1998 | |||||||||
32 | Magnavox | 1985 | |||||||||
33 | Marathon | 1982 | |||||||||
34 | Marazul | 1992 | |||||||||
35 | MBL | 1966-1993 | |||||||||
36 | Marine Tech Society | 1967-1968 | |||||||||
37 | Marquest Group | 1990 | |||||||||
38 | The Math Works Inc. | 1990 | |||||||||
39 | MASPAR | 1992 | |||||||||
40 | Matrix | 1987 | |||||||||
41 | McGraw Hill Book Co. | 1979 | |||||||||
42 | Univ. Of Miami | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
43 | Mene Grande Oil Co. | 1971-1972 | |||||||||
44 | MIT | 1974-1992 | |||||||||
45-46 | Mobile Oil Company (2 files) | 1968-1994 | |||||||||
4 | 1 | MOVIE, BYU | 1988 | ||||||||
2 | Museum of Science - Science by Mail | 1991 | |||||||||
3 | NADC - National Air Development Center | 1985-1986 | |||||||||
4 | NAS - National Academy of Sciences | 1967-1991 | |||||||||
5 | NATC - National Air Test Center | 1989 | |||||||||
6 | NAVOO – Stennis Space Center | 1990 | |||||||||
7 | NUMC - Naval Undersea Warfare Center | 1994-1995 | |||||||||
8 | National Bureau of Standards | 1965 | |||||||||
9 | National Center for Atmospheric Research | 1986-1987 | |||||||||
10 | National Geographic Society | 1976-1979 | |||||||||
11 | National Geophysical Data Center – Announcements | 1993 | |||||||||
12 | National Oceanographic Data Center | 1962-1972 | |||||||||
13 | National Research Institute for Oceanology | 1974 | |||||||||
14 | National Semiconductor | 1984 | |||||||||
15 | NCCOSC | 1991-1993 | |||||||||
16 | NECOR Northeast Consortium Research Fleet | 1988 | |||||||||
17 | Neotectonics | 1984 | |||||||||
18 | New Media Graphics | 1983 | |||||||||
19 | Newman Computer Exchange Inc. | 1985 | |||||||||
20 | NGS - National Geodetic Survey | 1986-1990 | |||||||||
21 | NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Adm. | 1967-1997 | |||||||||
22 | NGSDC – National Geophysical & Solar-Terrestrial Data Center | 1962-1998 | |||||||||
23 | Nicolet – Zeta Potter | 1985-1986 | |||||||||
24 | NIST – National Institute of Standards & Technology | 1990 | |||||||||
25 | NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm. | 1971-1994 | |||||||||
26 | Norda – Naval Ocean Research & Development Activity | 1980-1987 | |||||||||
27 | NRC – National Research Council | 1991 | |||||||||
28 | NSF – National Science Foundation | 1969-1993 | |||||||||
29 | NSF - National Science Foundation- Redirection | 1992-1998 | |||||||||
30 | NSF – National Science Foundation | 1985-1997 | |||||||||
31 | NSSDC – National Space Science Data Center, Publications | 1987-1993 | |||||||||
32 | NTIS – National Technical Information Services | 1984 | |||||||||
33 | Naval Coastal System Center | 1989 | |||||||||
34 | Naval Research Lab | 1978-1993 | |||||||||
35 | Naval Underwater System Center | 1988 | |||||||||
36 | Naval War College | 1977-1984 | |||||||||
37 | Navy Air System Command | 1989 | |||||||||
38 | U.S. Navy | 1981-1995 | |||||||||
39 | U.S. Navy – ONR – Arctic Program | 1978-1988 | |||||||||
40 | Navy Surface Warfare Center | 1990 | |||||||||
17 | 1 | Northwestern University | 1972-1997 | ||||||||
2 | Occidental Petroleum Corporation | 1970-1987 | |||||||||
3 | Ocean Data Systems, Inc. | undated | |||||||||
4 | ODP | 1990-1991 | |||||||||
5 | Ohio Oil Company | 1957 | |||||||||
6 | Ohio State University, Department of Geodetic Science | 1979-1990 | |||||||||
7 | Oil Companies, Miscellaneous | 1977-1980 | |||||||||
8 | O.I.P. (Ocean Industry Program - WHOI) | 1991 | |||||||||
9 | ONR (Office of Naval Research) | 1986-1994 | |||||||||
10 | ONT (Office of Naval Technology) | 1990-1992 | |||||||||
11 | Oregon | 1972-1987 | |||||||||
12 | ORSTOM (Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-mer) | 1978-1981 | |||||||||
13 | Osborne Computer | 1982-1984 | |||||||||
14 | ParaMax Corp. | 1993 | |||||||||
15 | Partnership, W.H. Sci and Tech | September 17, 1991 | |||||||||
16 | Patuxent River (Joe Brown) | 1988 | |||||||||
17 | Petro Canada | 1980, 1988 | |||||||||
18 | Petrolera Dominicana | 1958-1962 | |||||||||
19 | Phillips Petroleum Company | 1969, 1977, 1980, 1993 | |||||||||
20 | Phillips and DuPont Optical | 1989 | |||||||||
21 | Phoenix Corporation | 1982 | |||||||||
22 | Pilot Rock | 1980 | |||||||||
23 | Plenum Publishing Corporation | 1982, 1986 | |||||||||
24 | Polaroid | undated | |||||||||
25 | Postscript | 1988 | |||||||||
26 | Precision Image | 1986-1987 | |||||||||
27 | Princeton Alumni Association | 1966-1998, scattered | |||||||||
28 | Princeton University | 1962-1998, scattered | |||||||||
29 | Quorum Equal | 1993-1994 | |||||||||
30 | Quorum Software | 1993-1994 | |||||||||
31 | Professional Societies | 1957-1978 | |||||||||
32 | Radio Shack | September 21, 1984 | |||||||||
33 | Ramo-Wooldridge | 1961-1966 | |||||||||
34 | RAXEX Ltd. | 1987 | |||||||||
35 | Review Publications, Unix Review | 1985 | |||||||||
36 | Rhode Island, University of | 1980 | |||||||||
37 | Ridge Computers | 1985-1992 | |||||||||
38 | Ridge Project | 1990-1995 | |||||||||
39 | Ritchie | 1997-1998 | |||||||||
40 | SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) | 1992 | |||||||||
41 | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | 1975-1992 | |||||||||
42 | SEA (Sea Education Association) | 1982, 1985 | |||||||||
43 | Sea Grant | 1979-1985 | |||||||||
44 | SEATAR (Studies in East Asian Tectonics and Resources) | 1988-1989 | |||||||||
45 | SEDI (Committee of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics to Study the Earth's Deep Interior) | 1995 | |||||||||
46 | SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) | 1988-1993 | |||||||||
47 | Sequent Computer Systems | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
48 | George G. Sharp, Inc. | 1967 | |||||||||
49 | Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappig, N.V. | 1969-1977, 1996 | |||||||||
50 | Shell Trinidad Limited | 1967-1968 | |||||||||
51 | Shugart Corporation | 1983-1984 | |||||||||
52 | Sigma XI | 1967-1998 | |||||||||
53 | Silicon Graphics, Inc. | 1993-1996 | |||||||||
54 | Silicon Valley Micro, Inc. | 1983-1984, 1986 | |||||||||
55 | SOHIO Petroleum Company | 1984 | |||||||||
56 | Solution Systems, Inc. | 1992 | |||||||||
57 | Southwest Museum (Los Angeles) | undated | |||||||||
18 | 1 | Sperry Rand | 1966, 1968, 1985 | ||||||||
2 | Spite Software | undated | |||||||||
3 | SPOT Image Software | 1986, 1989, 1990 | |||||||||
4 | Standard Oil Company | 1961-1973 | |||||||||
5 | Stennis Space Center | 1990 | |||||||||
6 | Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation | 1982 | |||||||||
7 | Stork Graphics | 1982-1983 | |||||||||
8 | Sun Microsystems | 1989-1993 | |||||||||
9 | Sun Oil Company | 1970, 1985 | |||||||||
10 | Synergy | 1987 | |||||||||
11 | SYNSAT Communications, Inc. | 1982-1983 | |||||||||
12 | System Development Corporation | 1973-1975, 1980 | |||||||||
13 | SYTE Information Technology, Inc. | 1984-1986 | |||||||||
14 | TASC (The Analytic Sciences Corporation) | 1983-1984, 1993 | |||||||||
15 | Tektronix | 1979-1985 | |||||||||
16 | Texaco | 1984, 1990 | |||||||||
17 | Texaco Trinidad, Inc. | 1962-1963 | |||||||||
18 | Texas A&M University | 1980. 1984, 1985 | |||||||||
19 | Texas Instruments | 1963-1984 | |||||||||
20 | Texas Petroleum Company | 1967 | |||||||||
21 | 3M | 1972-1973 | |||||||||
22 | Trimble Navigation | 1985 | |||||||||
23 | Union Oil | 1981-1992, scattered | |||||||||
24 | UNIRAS Inc. | 1984-1991 | |||||||||
25 | Unison Information Systems | 1993 | |||||||||
26 | United Nations | 1978-1979 | |||||||||
27 | University of Texas | 1980, 1987 | |||||||||
28 | University of Tokyo | 1971-1974 | |||||||||
29 | USGS | 1958-1998 | |||||||||
30 | Varian | 1964-1966 | |||||||||
31 | Vening-Meinesz Laboratory | 1972 |
Country Files 1974-1999 3 boxes (3.75 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged alphabetically by country name. | |||||||||||
5 | 1 | Africa | 1992 | ||||||||
2 | Arabia | 1990 | |||||||||
3 | Argentina | 1975-1995 | |||||||||
4 | Austria | 1982 | |||||||||
5-6 | Australia (2 files) | 1975-1992 | |||||||||
7 | Bangladesh | 1987 | |||||||||
8 | Barbados | 1985 | |||||||||
9 | Bermuda | 1999 | |||||||||
10 | Brazil | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
11 | Canada | 1983-1992 | |||||||||
12 | Cayman Islands | 1986 | |||||||||
13 | Columbia | 1982 | |||||||||
14 | Costa Rica | 1986 | |||||||||
15 | Cuba – Cuban Interest Section | 1990-1998 | |||||||||
16 | Cuba – Coop Projects | 1992 | |||||||||
17 | Cuba – Report of Francisco Sanchez, brought SC 404 | August 1994 | |||||||||
18 | Cuba (General Info) | 1990-1998 | |||||||||
19 | Czechoslovakia | 1985-1991 | |||||||||
20 | Dominican Republic | 1983-1995 | |||||||||
21 | Ecuador | 1974 | |||||||||
22 | Egypt | 1964 | |||||||||
23 | England | 1977-1996 | |||||||||
24 | Fiji | 1976-1986 | |||||||||
25 | France | 1977-1993 | |||||||||
26 | Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba | 1986 | |||||||||
27 | Germany | 1978-1992 | |||||||||
28 | Haiti | 1980 | |||||||||
29 | Holland | 1985 | |||||||||
30 | Hungary | 1982-1992 | |||||||||
31 | Iceland | 1987 | |||||||||
32 | India | 1975-1991 | |||||||||
6 | 1-2 | Indonesia (2 files) | 1974-1992 | ||||||||
3 | Iraq | 1986-1987 | |||||||||
4 | Israel | 1986 | |||||||||
5 | Italy | 1986 | |||||||||
6 | Jamaica | 1989 | |||||||||
7 | Japan | 1974-1995 | |||||||||
8 | Jerusalem, Univ. of | 1973 | |||||||||
9 | Kenya | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
10 | Korea | 1974 | |||||||||
11 | Kuwait | 1987 | |||||||||
12 | Libya | 1985 | |||||||||
13 | Malaysia | 1977 | |||||||||
14 | Mexico | 1987-1992 | |||||||||
15 | Mongolia | 1991 | |||||||||
16 | Mozambique | 1991 | |||||||||
17 | Netherlands | 1984-1990 | |||||||||
18 | New Zealand | 1974-1986 | |||||||||
19 | Nigeria | 1992 | |||||||||
20 | Peoples Republic of China | 1975-1996 | |||||||||
21 | Peoples Republic of China – NASA Coop (Fostering) | 1992 | |||||||||
22 | PRC-Chinese Delegation-Geodesy & Geophysics, Academia Sinica | 1981-1988 | |||||||||
23 | PRC – Trip to Peoples Republic of China | May 1982 | |||||||||
24 | Peoples Republic of China – Beijing | 1979-1988 | |||||||||
25 | Peoples Republic of China – Qingdow | 1982-1988 | |||||||||
26 | Peoples Republic of China – Handchow | 1982-1991 | |||||||||
27 | Peoples Republic of China – Shanghai | 1981-1983 | |||||||||
28 | Peoples Republic of China – Su, Xu | 1995 | |||||||||
29 | Peoples Republic of China – Wuchang (1 of 2) | 1983-1995 | |||||||||
30 | Portugal | 1984-1986 | |||||||||
7 | 1 | Philippines | 1974-1988 | ||||||||
2 | Romania | 1991 | |||||||||
3 | Saudi Arabia | 1991 | |||||||||
4 | Singapore | 1973-1977 | |||||||||
5 | South Africa | 1977-1987 | |||||||||
6 | Spain | 1973-1992 | |||||||||
7 | Sri Lanka | 1986-1990 | |||||||||
8 | Sweden | 1988 | |||||||||
9 | Switzerland | 1981-1987 | |||||||||
10-11 | Taiwan (2 Files) | 1974-1992 | |||||||||
12 | Tonga | 1977-1983 | |||||||||
13 | Trinidad & Tobago | 1985-1988 | |||||||||
14 | Thailand | 1975-1987 | |||||||||
15 | Turkey | 1969-1972 | |||||||||
16 | Turks & Caicos Island | 1980-1986 | |||||||||
17 | U.S.A. - Trips | 1982-1987 | |||||||||
18 | U.S.S.R. | 1972-1992 | |||||||||
19 | U.S.S.R. – St. Petersburg | 1994 | |||||||||
20 | U.S.S.R. – WSB Project | 1993 | |||||||||
21 | U.S.S.R – E-Mail Correspondence | 1993-1994 | |||||||||
22 | U.S.S.R. – Now CIS (Russia) | 1983-1995 | |||||||||
23 | Venezuela | 1985 | |||||||||
24 | Zaire | 1984 |
Proposals and Projects 1965-1994 4 boxes (5 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged alphabetically. | |||||||||||
8 | 1 | AFGL – Balloon Environmental Acceleration Test Program | 1983-1984 | ||||||||
2 | AFGL – Balloon Test II | 1984 | |||||||||
3 | AFGL – Delineation Shallow Structure of the Earth‘s Crust | 1985-1986 | |||||||||
4 | Anomalous Mass & Distance Detector | 1991 | |||||||||
5 | Anomalous Mass Detection W/Gravity Vector/Tensor System | 1991 | |||||||||
6 | Airplanes & Tests | 1978 | |||||||||
7 | DOD-GPS – Proposal | 1983 | |||||||||
8 | DOD – University research Instrumentation Program | 1982 | |||||||||
9 | DMA – Preparation of Dynamic Gravity Testing System | 1987 | |||||||||
10 | Geology of the Dominican Republic - Arc Polarity Reversals | 1984 | |||||||||
11 | GPS – Caribbean Northern Plate Boundary | 1986 | |||||||||
12 | GPS – Deformation of the Northern Caribbean Plate | 1988 | |||||||||
13 | GPS – Caribe Year 3 Proposal | 1988 | |||||||||
14 | GPS – JPL – Year 4 Proposal | 1987 | |||||||||
15 | GPS – Suitability for Airborne Gravity Measurements | 1984 | |||||||||
16 | IDOE – Mass Anomalies at Plate Convergent Zones in SEATAR Region | 1981-1982 | |||||||||
17 | JPL – Caribbean Crustal Dynamics | 1985 | |||||||||
18 | JPL – 2nd Year – Caribbean Crustal Dynamics | 1985-1986 | |||||||||
19 | NASA – Analysis of Harmonic Spline Gravity Model of Venus, Mars & Moon | 1984-1986 | |||||||||
20 | NASA – Caribbean Plate – Crustal Dynamics Study | 1983 | |||||||||
21 | NASA – Crustal Dynamics Project | 1984 | |||||||||
22 | NASA – Crustal Dynamics Caribbean Plate | 1984 | |||||||||
23 | NASA – Crustal Dynamics Research Space Science | 1985 | |||||||||
24 | NASA – Caribbean GPS Expedition | February 1991 | |||||||||
25 | NASA – Deformation of the Northern Caribbean Plate Margin | 1981-1984 | |||||||||
26 | NASA – Determination of Deep Mass Anomaly Structure of Venus, Mars and the Moon | 1990 | |||||||||
27 | NASA – Earth System Science | 1991 | |||||||||
28 | NASA – Earth Mars Anomalies & Relation t Palate Motion | 1992-1993 | |||||||||
9 | 1 | NASA – Earth, Venus, Mars Gravity Anomalies Contrasting | 1986-1987 | ||||||||
2 | NASA – Geodynamics Proposal | 1982-1985 | |||||||||
3 | NASA – Global & Regional Venus Gravity Field | October 1992 | |||||||||
4 | NASA – GPS Headquarters Proposal | 1991 | |||||||||
5 | NASA – Improved Determination of Planetary Gravity Anomalie | 1988 | |||||||||
6 | NASA – Innovation Proposal, Superconducting & Sensor System | 1991-1992 | |||||||||
7 | NASA – MAGSAT I | 1981-1989 | |||||||||
8 | NASA – MAGSAT II | 1982 | |||||||||
9 | NASA – Magellan Guest Investigator – Venus | October 1989 | |||||||||
10 | NASA – Mars Proposal | 1991 | |||||||||
11 | NASA – Moon & Mars Gravity | 1981-1983 | |||||||||
12 | NASA – Moon & Mars II | 1982-1984 | |||||||||
13 | NASA – Moon & Mars III | 1985 | |||||||||
14 | NASA – Origins of the Solar System | 1989-1990 | |||||||||
15 | NASA – Pioneer Venus Data Analysis & Guest Investigator Program | 1991-1994 | |||||||||
16 | NASA – Planet Proposal | 1985-1989 | |||||||||
17 | NASA – Planet Proposal | 1986 | |||||||||
18 | NASA – Proposal for the Lunas Polar Orbiter | 1977 | |||||||||
19 | NASA – RTOP I | 1984-1986 | |||||||||
20 | NASA – SAR Flight – Puerto Rico & Dominic Republic | 1981 | |||||||||
21 | NASA - Sea Surface of the Continental Shelf & Adjacent Waters | 1979-1980 | |||||||||
22 | NASA – Shuddle Imaging Radar C | 1987-1988 | |||||||||
23 | NASA – Thematic Mapper | 1984-1988 | |||||||||
24 | NASA – Venus Data Analysis Program Proposal | October 1992 | |||||||||
25 | NASA – Revised – Venus Improved Determination of the Anomalous Gravity Fields of Planets from Space Craft Radio Tracking Signal Part I | 1989 | |||||||||
10 | 1 | NASA – Venus Guest Investigator Contractor, Technical Report | 1991-1993 | ||||||||
2 | NASA – Venus Harmonic Sphine Programs | 1991 | |||||||||
3 | NASA – Venus, Mars, & Moon | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
4 | NASA – Venus Proposal | 1980-1983 | |||||||||
5 | NRL – Dynamic Gravity System | 1989 | |||||||||
6 | NRL – Naval Research Lab – SPAWAR – Preparation of Dynamic Gravity Testing System | 1994 | |||||||||
7 | NRL – Summary Copy – Gravity Superconducting & Sensor System | 1989-1990 | |||||||||
8 | NRL - ONT | 1990 | |||||||||
9 | NRL – ONT – Proposal – Dynamic Gravity System | 1989 | |||||||||
10 | NRL – ONT – Detecting & Tracking | 1989 | |||||||||
11 | NRL – ONT – Proposal | 1991 | |||||||||
12 | NSF – China Program | 1987 | |||||||||
13 | NSF – COCORP Proposal | 1987 | |||||||||
14 | NSF – Deep Drilling in Bahamas – Univ. of Miami Proposal | 1988 | |||||||||
15 | NSF – Deep Mass Anomaly Structure & earth & Comparison w/Tomography | February 1989 | |||||||||
16 | NSF – Delineation of Shallow Structure of the Earth Crust – Application of a new Technology | 1984 | |||||||||
17 | NSF – Detailed Mass Anomaly Model of the Earth | December 1990 | |||||||||
18 | NSF – Earth Gravity, Geoid, & Topography Spectra & Their Implications in Geodynamics | 1992 | |||||||||
19 | NSF – Global Analysis of Residual Gravity, Geoid & Depth Anomalies | 1986-1987 | |||||||||
20 | NSF – Polar Program – Scotia Arc | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
21 | NSF – Proposal – Earth Mass Anomaly Model | 1987 | |||||||||
22 | NSF – Proposal – Gravity Gradient Study | 1983 | |||||||||
11 | 1 | NSF – Mass Anomaly Model for the Earth | 1992 | ||||||||
2 | NSF Proposal – Mentle Mass Anomaly | 1983 | |||||||||
3 | NSF Proposal – Himalaya Geology & Structure | 1989 | |||||||||
4 | NSF – Wide Color Platter Acquisition | 1987-1988 | |||||||||
5 | NSF – Proposal – Tomograph | October 1987 | |||||||||
6 | NSF – Tibet Uplift & Convergence rates with GPS Measurements | 1988 | |||||||||
7 | NSF – Truncation Regional Geoid Field & Ocean Age-Depth Relation | 1987-1988 | |||||||||
8 | Oil Companies – Dynamic GRAV/GRAD Survey System | 1990 | |||||||||
9 | OIP – Senior Study Awards | 1980 | |||||||||
10 | ONR – 4029 Progress Report | May 1-October 31, 1966 | |||||||||
11 | ONR – 4029 Progress Report | November 1, 1966-April 30, 1967 | |||||||||
12 | ONR – 4029 Progress Report | May 1-October 31, 1967 | |||||||||
13 | ONR – Progress Report - 1367 NONR – 4029 NONR | 1965 | |||||||||
14 | ONR – 4029 Progress Report End Apr 30 | 1966 | |||||||||
15 | ONR – 1981 | 1980-1981 | |||||||||
16 | ONR – 1982 | 1981-1982 | |||||||||
17 | ONR - 1983 | 1983-1984 | |||||||||
18 | ONR – 1984 | 1983-1984 | |||||||||
19 | ONR – 1987 | 1986-1987 | |||||||||
20 | ONR – 1988 | 1988-1989 | |||||||||
21 | ONR – 1989 – FY 90 & 91 | 1989-1990 | |||||||||
22 | ONR – 1990 - FY 91 & 92 | 1990-1991 | |||||||||
23 | ONR – Southern Ocean Studies | 1983 | |||||||||
24 | U. S. Navy | 1963-1979 |
Cruises 1962-1993 3 boxes (3.75 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged in chronological order by cruise. | |||||||||||
12 | 1 | Gravity Data Cruises Summary – Chain 34-96 | 1962-1969 | ||||||||
2 | Chain Cruise 34 | 1962-1969 | |||||||||
3 | Chain Cruise 36 – Notes on Gravity System | 1963 | |||||||||
4 | Chain Cruise 39 | 1963 | |||||||||
5 | Chain Cruise 41 | 1962-1967 | |||||||||
6 | Chain Cruise 42 | 1964 | |||||||||
7 | Indian Ocean Cruise # 43 | 1963-1964 | |||||||||
8 | Chain Cruise #44 | 1964-1967 | |||||||||
9 | Hispaniola Cruise – Chain #46 | 1965-1971 | |||||||||
10 | Chain Cruise # 47 | 1965 | |||||||||
11 | Chain Cruise #52 | 1965 | |||||||||
12 | Chain Cruise #53 | 1965 | |||||||||
13 | W. Caribbean – Chain Cruise #55 | 1965-1966 | |||||||||
14 | Outer Ridge – Chain Cruise #57 | 1965-1966 | |||||||||
15 | Chain Cruise # 58 or 59 Munroe Shipyard | 1966 | |||||||||
16 | Backus – Caribbean Cruise – Chain #60 | May 18-June 30, 1966 | |||||||||
17 | Chain Cruise #61 | 1966 | |||||||||
18 | New O-Meter Test Cruise – Chain #62 | December 27-28, 1966 | |||||||||
19 | First Installation of System III – Chain 70 | August 2, 1967 | |||||||||
20 | A-II Cruise | July 1968 | |||||||||
21 | A-II Cruise | September 12-October 12, 1969 | |||||||||
22 | A-II Cruise $49 – Mediterranean – Black Sea | March 16-May 7, 1969 | |||||||||
23 | Chain Cruise #73 | 1967 | |||||||||
24 | Antilles – Chain #75 | October 16-December 19, 1967 | |||||||||
25 | Chain # 96 – Mid Atlantic Ridge Cruise | Fall 1969 | |||||||||
26 | Akademik Kurchatov | 1969 | |||||||||
27 | Pacific Cruise – A-II #54 | September 1969-1970 | |||||||||
28 | Chain Cruise #99 | 1970 | |||||||||
29 | Tonga – Kermadec – Arc Trench – Chain #99 – 341-9 Proposal | 1970-1971 | |||||||||
30 | Chain # 100 | 1971 | |||||||||
31 | 90 degree E. Ridge – Chain #100 – Leg 6 | 1971 | |||||||||
32 | A-II – Cruise #60 | 1971 | |||||||||
33 | A-11 – Cruise #67 | 1972 | |||||||||
34 | Mar Cruise – A-II #73 | November, December 1972 | |||||||||
35 | Hakuho MARU – KH 72-1 | 1972 | |||||||||
36 | IDOE | 1973 | |||||||||
37 | T. Washington – Cruise –Tasaday | 1973 | |||||||||
38 | Mar – A-II Cruise 77 | 1973 | |||||||||
13 | 1-2 | South Atlantic Cruises – WHOI-MIT-UML – Chain 115, (2 files) | 1973-1974 | ||||||||
3 | IDOE – Brazil | 1974-1976 | |||||||||
4 | Indian Ocean | 1974-1975 | |||||||||
5 | Nile Cone | 1974 | |||||||||
6 | Black Sea | 1975 | |||||||||
7 | WHOI 1975 Cruises – w/Gravity – USGS – Ballard – IPOD | 1975 | |||||||||
8 | Cruises Summary Drafts – Taijunt – A-II #92 | 1975 | |||||||||
9 | A II – Cruise 93 | 1975-1977 | |||||||||
10 | Indian Ocean Triple Junction Cruises | 1975 | |||||||||
11 | Knorr Cruises – Jamaica – Dakar – M. Purdy | March 1976 | |||||||||
12 | A- II – Indian Ocean Cruises | 1975-1977 | |||||||||
13 | Cruises Report, Indopac Expedition Leg 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 | 1977 | |||||||||
14 | Banda Sea Cruises – A-II | 1976 | |||||||||
15 | Banda Sea Study – Annual Group & Contribution Text – A-II | 1976 | |||||||||
16 | SEATAR Program of CCOP/IOC/IDOE | 1976 | |||||||||
17 | Western Indian Ocean Cruises | 1977 | |||||||||
18 | Pacific – Knorr #73 | 1978-1979 | |||||||||
19 | South & Central Atlantic | 1979-1980 | |||||||||
20 | Tonga – Kermedec – North Island | 1977-1979 | |||||||||
21 | Data History for Digital & Analogue Data | 1972-1974 | |||||||||
22 | Blank Cruise Summary Forms, Chain | undated | |||||||||
14 | 1 | AMBAC Oven Controller - WHOI # 4029,69-719 (Used as Platform) | 1969-1985 | ||||||||
2-3 | CONVEX Computer (2 files) | 1990-1993 | |||||||||
4 | CONVEX 5 | 1989-1992 | |||||||||
5 | CONVEX Super Computer Committee | 1989-1992 | |||||||||
6 | Gravity Base Station – U.S. East Coast | 1930 | |||||||||
7 | Gravity Base Station – Wellington & Honolulu | 1975 | |||||||||
8 | Gravity Platform Notes | June 1979 | |||||||||
9-10 | Gravity Station Description – G-18 (2files) | September 1973 | |||||||||
11 | Harmonic Spline – ABSDEGLOS | 1983-1984 | |||||||||
12 | Harmonic Spline – Bin Test – Over Venus | 1982 | |||||||||
13 | Harmonic Spline - Main Program | 1983-1984 | |||||||||
14 | Harmonic Spline – Ridge Program | 1986-1987 | |||||||||
15 | Harmonic Spline – Shell Script | undated | |||||||||
16 | Harmonic Spline – Technique | 1983-1984 | |||||||||
17 | Harmonic Spline – VAX Program | 1985-1986 | |||||||||
18 | Harmonic Spline – Venus Program | 1984 | |||||||||
19 | Harmonic Spline – Venus Text | 1987 | |||||||||
20 | Makepha Program | 1987 | |||||||||
21 | Navigation (Lee Grove, Gravity Group) | January 1972 | |||||||||
22-23 | Sierra Madre Gravity Project (2 files) | 1968-1979 | |||||||||
24 | Sierra Madre Gravity Survey – Luzon | 1978-1979 | |||||||||
25 | Taiwan Cruise – Base Ties & Drift Calculations | 1975 | |||||||||
26 | Terrestial Bodies, Orbiter, Lunar Mission | 1977-1978 | |||||||||
27 | Triple Junction – Trip Log | January-February 1974 | |||||||||
28 | WHOI Artic Submarine Gravity Experiment efforts – Navy Air Development Review | 1978 | |||||||||
29 | WHOI Data Cruise Summaries | 1970-1975 | |||||||||
30 | WHOI Gravity Cruise Summaries – AII & Chain | 1962-1971 |
Instruction Manuals 1964 .25 box (.3 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged alphabetically by title. | |||||||||||
15 | 1 | Air Sea Gravity Meter – Instruction Manual | undated | ||||||||
2 | Oceanographic Processing & Control System – Operating & Maintenance Manual | 1964 | |||||||||
3 | Shipboard Gravity & Computer System Manual - Book I | undated | |||||||||
4 | Shipboard Gravity & Computer System Manual – Book II | undated |
Proposals and Grants 1962-1974 .75 box (.95 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders are arranged alphabetically. | |||||||||||
15 | 5 | Airborne Gravity | October 1970 | ||||||||
6 | GA-18889 – Acquisition of a Digitizing Table | April 1971 | |||||||||
7 | GA–12204 – Gravity Field at Sea and on Bordering Land Areas | 1970-1971 | |||||||||
8 | GA–4051 – Central Mediterranean – Geologic History of a basin | 1968-1972 | |||||||||
9 | GA–1209 – Investigation of the Lesser Antilles and the Region to and including the mid Atlantic Ridge opposite the Antillean Arc | 1972 | |||||||||
10 | GA–976 – Structure of the Continental Rise off Eastern North America | 1967-1968 | |||||||||
11 | GP–279 – Geophysical Investigations of the Outer Ridge North of Puerto Rico | 1966-1967 | |||||||||
12 | GP–5353 – Analysis of Gravity and Magnetic data collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition and in the Caribbean Sea Area | 1965-1966 | |||||||||
13 | GP-822 – Analysis of seismic reflection and gravity data to be collected over the Puerto Rico Trench and Outer Ridge | 1962-1963 | |||||||||
14 | GP-2370 – Indian Ocean Expedition | 1964-1965 | |||||||||
15 | GP-1123 – Geophysical Studies Related to Deep Drilling in the North Atlantic | 1963-1964 | |||||||||
16 | GP-24142 – Reconnaissance Gravity survey of the Republic of Haiti | 1962-1963 | |||||||||
17 | Proposal – Structure, Tectonics, and Isostasy | 1972-1974 | |||||||||
18 | Proposal – Gravity Measurements at Sea & Studies of its Geophysical Implications | 1972-1973 | |||||||||
19 | Proposal – Gravity Measurements over the Cocos Plate | 1971-1972 |
Correspondence and Notebooks 1961-1991 1 box (1.25 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
16 | 1 | Miscellaneous Correspondence | 1971-1991 | ||||||||
2 | Notebook- Outgoing Correspondence | 1971-1975 | |||||||||
3-4 | Senior Scientist Executive Council Committee (2 files) | 1989-1991 | |||||||||
5-7 | WHOI–MBL – Library Committee (3 files) | 1988-1989 | |||||||||
8-10 | World Wide Measurements during June 1949-Jan 1952-WHOI 52-59 (3 files) | 1949-1952 | |||||||||
11 | 9 Field Books with measurements for G-18 | 1962-1980 | |||||||||
12 | 1 Field Book | 1976 | |||||||||
13 | 1 Field Book – Haiti | 1963 | |||||||||
14 | 1 Field Book | 1975 | |||||||||
15 | 1 Field Book Gravity Dominican Republic | 1961 |
Gravity Data Library 1958-1998 1.5 boxes (1.875 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Scope and Content Note | |||||||||||
This series contains material relating to Carl Bowin's collection of gravity data. Materials in the series include data, notes, correspondence, reports, computer printouts, maps, and emails. | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders in the series are arranged by source code number. See the first folder in the series for an index to the source codes. The first several folders in the series are general information about the Gravity Data Library, and are arranged in the order in which they were received. | |||||||||||
Access Restrictions | |||||||||||
Several folders in the series may contain proprietary data. Folders that may contain proprietary data contain notations in the folder titles. Access is provided at the discretion of the Archivist. | |||||||||||
Separated Material | |||||||||||
Gravity data that had been stored with the material in this series prior to its donation to the Archives was sent to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency by Carl Bowin in order to be scanned into a digital format. | |||||||||||
18 | 32 | R431 (Source Codes) | 1981-1998 | ||||||||
OS 20 | Data Distribution by Source Code | October 16, 1981, January 21, 1983 | |||||||||
18 | 33 | Gravity Data Library Paper | December 1973 | ||||||||
34 | Gravity Data Library Paper | 1974 | |||||||||
35 | Gravity Data Library Paper | January 1975 | |||||||||
36 | Gravity Data Library Paper | January 1976 | |||||||||
37 | Gravity Data Library Paper Edit Notes | 1977, undated | |||||||||
OS 20 | WGWS Inventory | January 10, 1981 | |||||||||
18 | 38 | 006 - WHOI G-18 Meter Stations | 1966 | ||||||||
39 | 007 - WHOI - R/V Atlantis II | 1972 | |||||||||
40 | 044 - Shell Venezuela Oil Co. | May 1967 | |||||||||
41 | 046 - Texaco Trinidad | June 1962 | |||||||||
42 | 047 - Dominican Republic by Bowin | 1961-1962 | |||||||||
43 | 055 - Turkey, Sterneck Pendulum | 1969 | |||||||||
44 | 058 - Kane, Gulf of Mexico (Proprietary Data) | 1969 | |||||||||
45 | 060 - Venezuela Cartagraphia National | 1969 | |||||||||
46 | 067 - Lake Tanganyika, WHOI Expedition | 1970 | |||||||||
47 | 074 - Cyprus: D. Masson-Smith | 1958 | |||||||||
48 | 079 - Gulf of Maine, US Coast and Geodetic Survey | 1968-1969 | |||||||||
49 | 086 - Far East Vema 19, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory | 1970 | |||||||||
50 | 093 - ACIC (Aeronautical Chart and Information Center): Asia, Africa, Madagascar, Miscellaneous Accession Numbers | 1968, 1971 | |||||||||
51 | 096 - North Central Indian Ocean, ACIC | 1968-1971 | |||||||||
52 | 097 - GRGS Library, Mainly Europe and Africa | 1969-1971 | |||||||||
53 | 103 - Kenya | 1975 | |||||||||
54 | 108 - Lakes Albert, Kivu and Edwards, WHOI Expedition | 1972 | |||||||||
55 | 112 - ACIC (Aeronautical Chart and Information Center): World Mean Free-air and Elevation | 1966, 1972 | |||||||||
56 | 114 - ACIC, Land Data, Indonesia and Australia | 1972 | |||||||||
57 | 115 - Panama, J.E. Case | 1972 | |||||||||
58 | 117 - Hakuho-Maru, KH72-1, KH72-2 | 1972-1974 | |||||||||
19 | 1 | 118 - Solomon Island Region - HIG | 1973, 1977 | ||||||||
2 | 122 - Ceylon - DMA | 1968, 1972 | |||||||||
3 | 132 - Atlantis Ocean Mendeleev 3rd Cruise 1970 | 1973 | |||||||||
4 | 137 - Hispaniola: M. Roblin, 1973 | 1974 | |||||||||
5 | 138 - South America, DMA | July 1973 | |||||||||
6 | 141 - Guatemala, McBirney | 1973 | |||||||||
7 | 151 - Sri Lanka | 1971, 1974 | |||||||||
8 | 155 - North Atlantic, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory | 1974 | |||||||||
9 | 160 - Moon | May 8, 1974 | |||||||||
10 | 162 - New Zealand and Nearby Islands: DMA | 1973-1974 | |||||||||
11 | 164 - Western Europe, DMA | 1974 | |||||||||
12 | 166 - Lesser Antilles: HMS Hecla (Proprietary Data) | 1970, 1974 | |||||||||
13 | 167 - North Asia and Caribbean: DMA | 1973-1974 | |||||||||
14 | 168 - Canada (Proprietary Data) | 1974-1975 | |||||||||
15 | 169 - Mexico: HIG | 1974 | |||||||||
16 | 170 - Mexico: DMA | 1974 | |||||||||
17 | 174 - Australia: DMA (Proprietary Data) | 1973-1974 | |||||||||
18 | 181 - West Pacific, Archerfish | 1975 | |||||||||
19 | 188 - Moon, Line-of-sight | 1975 | |||||||||
20 | 189 - Indonesia, G114 | 1976 | |||||||||
21 | 189 - Indonesia, G114, Banda Paper Drafts (Jezek) | 1976 | |||||||||
22 | 193 - Taijunt VSA/ART-57 meter | 1975-1976 | |||||||||
23 | 202 - India (Proprietary Data) | 1983 | |||||||||
24 | 205 - Polar Regions: DMA | 1976-1977 | |||||||||
25 | 208 - Arctic, Wold Polar Data | 1973 | |||||||||
26 | 210 - Iran: DMA | 1975-1977 | |||||||||
27 | 212 - Banda Sea, Scripps | 1977-1978 | |||||||||
28 | 215 - GEOS-3 (1 Oct 77 Set) (Proprietary Data) | 1978 | |||||||||
29 | 216 - India Data of Warsi (Proprietary Data) | 1979-1984 | |||||||||
30 | 230 - GEOS-3: DMA (1 January 1973 Set) (Proprietary Data) | 1979 | |||||||||
31 | 232 - GEOS-3: DMA (1 July 1979 Set) (Proprietary Data) | 1980 | |||||||||
32 | 233 - NASA SEASAT Data | 1981 | |||||||||
33 | 234 - Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Venus Gravity | ||||||||||
34 | 236 - DMA Gravity Update | 1976, 1981 | |||||||||
35 | 237 - DMA - Elevation | 1981 | |||||||||
36 | 238 - NASA: Apollo Lunar Gravity | 1981, 1984 | |||||||||
37 | 239 - HIG: Gravity Data, South America | 1981 | |||||||||
38 | 240 - HIG: Gravity Data, Central America | 1981 | |||||||||
39 | 241 - NASA MAGSAT Data | 1981 | |||||||||
40 | 242 - Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory: JOI Mid-Atlantic and East Coast | 1981 | |||||||||
41 | 243 - Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory: Keathley Data | undated | |||||||||
42 | 245 - NASA: MAGSAT Crustal Anomaly Grid | 1981 | |||||||||
43 | 248 - Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Mars Line-of-sight Gravity | 1981, 1983 | |||||||||
44 | 253 - DMA: World Mean Elevation (1 Deg.) | 1981, 1984 | |||||||||
45 | 255 - Ejer. Argentino, Argentina and Antarctic (Proprietary Data) | 1981, 1983 | |||||||||
46 | 259 - NASA: MAGSAT Low Latitude Scalar Anomaly | 1982 | |||||||||
47 | 260 - DMA: Alaska National Petroleum Reserve | 1982 | |||||||||
48 | 261 - DMA: USA Land Gravity (Full 1982 Set) | 1982 | |||||||||
49 | 263 - Canada, Scotian Margin | 1982 | |||||||||
50 | 265 - USGS: Gulf of Maine | 1982 | |||||||||
51 | 269 - NASA: MAGSAT, 15 Quiet Days | 1982 | |||||||||
52 | 270 - USGS: Mars Topography | 1982 | |||||||||
53 | 271 - NORDA SYNBAPS Update (Proprietary Data) | 1982 | |||||||||
54 | 272 - DMA: World Gravity Update | 1982 | |||||||||
55 | 276 - ONR: Southern Hemisphere 5-minute Gridded Bathymetry | 1982 | |||||||||
56 | 277 - Ohio State University: SEASAT 4 Altimeter Data | 1982 | |||||||||
57 | 278 - Replacement for 164 - DMA 4220 | 1983 | |||||||||
58 | 280 - DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research): New Zealand Gravity | 1983, 1986, 1993 | |||||||||
59 | 281 - Argentina Gravity Data | 1983-1984 | |||||||||
60 | 282 - Gulf: Barbados Gravity | 1963, 1986 | |||||||||
61 | 283 - NASA Airborne Data | 1982-1983 | |||||||||
62 | 286 - TASC (The Analytical Sciences Corporation): Vertical Derivative of Gravity Anomaly (VDG) | 1983 | |||||||||
63 | 292 - NORDA Sediment Thickness Database | 1983 | |||||||||
64 | 295 - Petro Canada Gravity/Nav Data, Halifax-Haiti | 1983-1984 | |||||||||
65 | 296 - Mars Topography from the Lunar and Planetary Institute | 1984 | |||||||||
66 | 297 - OSU (Ohio State University) Potential Coefficients | 1984 | |||||||||
67 | 299 - NGDC: 10 min. Mean Elevations | 1979 | |||||||||
68 | 301 - DMA: Land Gravity Update | 1976, 1984 | |||||||||
69 | 302 - DMA: 1 degree Average World Topography | 1984 | |||||||||
70 | 303 - DUCKY Ia Radar Tracking Data | May 4, 1984 | |||||||||
71 | 305 - NOAA: 10 min. World Wide Topography | 1984 | |||||||||
72 | 308 - DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research): New Zealand Gravity | 1984 | |||||||||
73 | 309 - Petro Canada Gravity Data, Hawaii to Singapore | 1984 | |||||||||
74 | 313 - NOAA Earthquake Database | 1984 | |||||||||
75 | 315 - Petro Canada: Sri Lanka to Ghana Gravity | 1984 | |||||||||
76 | 316 - NTIS (National Technical Information Service): World Data Bank II Coastlines | 1977, 1985 | |||||||||
77 | 317 - Gravity Data from J. Hoofd, Utrecht | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
78 | 318 - SEASAT Altimeter Data, Dick Rapp OSU | 1984-1985 | |||||||||
79 | 319 - GEOS-3 Data, Dick Rapp OSU | 1985 | |||||||||
80 | 323 - Brazil Gravity Data | 1985 | |||||||||
81 | 324 - Ethiopian Gravity Data from M. Hochstein, Auckland University, New Zealand | 1985 | |||||||||
82 | 325 - Kuwait University Gravity Data | 1985 | |||||||||
83 | 328 - DMA: World Database of Gravity Anomaly Points (Proprietary Data) | 1985 | |||||||||
84 | 329 - J. Makri's Free-air Gravity Southern Red Sea | 1985 | |||||||||
85 | 330 - African Gravity Data (Proprietary Data) | 1985 | |||||||||
86 | 331 - NADC (Naval Air Development Center): Navigation and Altitude Data from P3C Flight | 1985 | |||||||||
87 | 333 - Venezuelan Gravity Data | 1985 | |||||||||
88 | 334 - World Topography Project | 1985 | |||||||||
89 | 336 - Gravity Data from South Africa | 1985-1986 | |||||||||
90 | 337 - Gravity Data from Africa (Proprietary Data) | 1986 | |||||||||
91 | 338 - Navy GSS (Proprietary Data) | 1986 | |||||||||
92 | 340 - Kuwait (Proprietary Data) | 1986 | |||||||||
93 | 344 - Canadian World Heat Flow | 1986 | |||||||||
94 | 345 - Canadian East Coast Gravity | 1986 | |||||||||
95 | 346 - Canadian National Gravity Database | 1986 | |||||||||
96 | 347 - Conmar (Oregon) Gravity (Proprietary Data) | 1986 | |||||||||
97 | 349 - DMA Gravity (Proprietary Data) | 1986 | |||||||||
98 | 351 - Scripps Indopac Gravity | July 22, 1986 | |||||||||
99 | 352 - DMA Gravity: Bahamas (Proprietary Data) | 1986 | |||||||||
100 | 353 - Long Island Platform Gravity Data | 1989, undated | |||||||||
101 | 354 - DMA Mobil (Proprietary Data) | 1987, 1989 | |||||||||
102 | 355 - Russian Gravity Data | 1986 | |||||||||
103 | 357 - Earthquake Database | 1987 | |||||||||
104 | 358 - Canada | 1987, 1990, 1998 | |||||||||
105 | 359 - COCORP Lines | 1987 | |||||||||
106 | 363 - DMA: OTED Northern California (Proprietary Data) | 1987-1988 | |||||||||
107 | 364 - British Geological Survey, UK Gridded Gravity (Proprietary Data) | 1987-1988, 1990 | |||||||||
108 | 366 - NGS (National Geodetic Survey): G-data Gravity Database | 1988 | |||||||||
109 | 369 - CONMAR, Hispaniola and Yucatan | 1988 | |||||||||
110 | 371 - Java | 1988 | |||||||||
111 | 374 - GEOSAT Ave22 Repeat Cycles from David Sandwell | 1989 | |||||||||
112 | 375 | 1989 | |||||||||
113 | 376 | 1988-1989 | |||||||||
114 | 378 - Mexico, Central and South America | 1989, 1990 | |||||||||
115 | 379 - FA Map of South China Sea with Part of PRC | 1989 | |||||||||
116 | 381 | 1981 | |||||||||
117 | 383 - Costa Rica | 1990-1991 | |||||||||
118 | 384 - World Heat Flow | 1991 | |||||||||
119 | 385 - GEOMAG Navoo | 1991 | |||||||||
120 | 387 - Hungary | 1991 | |||||||||
121 | 389 - Dominican Republic | 1991 | |||||||||
122 | 390 - USSR Gravity and Topo Data (Proprietary Data) | 1992-1994 | |||||||||
123 | XP55 SH Coefficient from Gravity Data | 1987 | |||||||||
124 | 408 - Poland, 5' Gravity Data | 1991-1993 | |||||||||
125 | 409 - World Volcanoes | 1973 | |||||||||
126 | 410 - WSB Report (WSB Project) | 1992, 1994 | |||||||||
127 | 410 - WSB Report | 1993-1994 | |||||||||
128 | 410 - WSB Report | 1993, undated | |||||||||
129 | 410 - WSB Report | 1994 | |||||||||
130 | 415 - LUN75F SHC | 1996 | |||||||||
131 | 692 - GEOSAT (Declassified), 1990-1991 | 1990-1991, 1998 |
Massachusetts Military Reservation Contamination 1994-1996 1 box (.25 lin. ft.) | |||||||||||
Scope and Content Note | |||||||||||
The series consists of records related to Carl Bowin's work investigating pollution at the Massachusetts Military Reservation in 1995, and includes information on Freedom of Information Act requests, and the Independent Citizen Evaluation and Remediation Group interested in the problem. Correspondence, reports, faxes and notes are contained in the series. | |||||||||||
Arrangement | |||||||||||
Folders in the series are arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||
21 | 1 | Cahir, Thomas: Representative | October 1995 | ||||||||
2 | Cancer Incidence Study and Clean-up Strategy | October 1995 | |||||||||
3 | Correspondence re: Massachusetts Military Reservation Contamination | July-October 1995 | |||||||||
4 | Hugus, Richard: Falmouth Enterprise Letter | August 1995 | |||||||||
5 | Independent Citizen Evaluation and Remediation Group | October-November 1995, undated | |||||||||
6 | Kennedy, Ted: United States Senator | October 19, 1995 | |||||||||
7 | Kerry, John: United States Senator | October 19, 1995 | |||||||||
8 | Massachusetts Military Reservation SuperFund Site: FOIA Request and Information | 1994-1996 | |||||||||
9 | Mooney, Donald B: DeCuir & Somach, Attorneys | September-October 1995 | |||||||||
10 | News Clippings | July-October 1995 | |||||||||
11 | Rifkin, Paul | October 1995 | |||||||||
12 | Studds, Gerry E.: United States Representative | September-October 1995 | |||||||||
13 | Turkington, Eric: Massachusetts State Representative | September-October 1995 |