Archival Cruise Database:
This database covers WHOI research cruises from 1931 to 1998. Information include: cruise dates, chief scientist, ship, sponsor and subjects studied.
Vessels include: Albatross III (1951-1952); Albatross IV (1965-1987); Anton Dohrn (1941-1943); Aries (1960); Asterias (1964-1969); Atlantis (1931-1963); Atlantis II (1963-1996); Atlantis [AGOR-25] (1997); Bear (1951-1962); Caryn (1948-1952); Chain (1958-1975); Crawford (1959-1967); Gosnold (1962-1973); Knorr (1970-1997); Lulu (1965-1984); Oceanus (1975-1998); Yamacraw (1957-1958).
Begin searching the Archival Cruise Database
Databases of Current Cruises:
Each ship has its own database. Information includes synopses of cruise objectives and science activities as well as the information listed above.
Database of cruise synopses since 1997: Atlantis [AGOR-25]
Database of cruise synopses since 1996: Knorr
Database of cruise synopses since 1996: Oceanus
In each database, the initial database page lists a series of “views” or organizational arrangements of the images in the database. Click on the view which best suits your needs or click on either one of them to find a search box.
Further information:
WHOI Ships & Technology website
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Last updated on July 24, 2007