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A Guide to the G. Michael Purdy Papers, 1980-1995

Manuscript Collection MC-10
3 boxes (3.25 lin. ft.)


Biographical Information

Scope and Content Note

Administrative Information


Index Terms

Folder List

Biographical Information

Mike Purdy was born on February 22, 1948, in England. He earned his B.Sc. in 1969 and his M.Sc. in 1970 from the Imperial College at London University and his Ph.D. in geophysics at Cambridge University in 1974. At the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution he was a postdoctoral scholar (1974-October, 1975); assistant scientist (1975-1979); associate scientist (October, 1979-1987); senior scientist (April 1987-1995); and chairman of the Geology and Geophysics Department (January 1991-1995). Purdy resigned from his position at the Institution on October 30, 1995, to accept the position of Director of Ocean Sciences Division at the National Science Foundation.

He is or was a member, editor, and/or chairman of many societies and committees, such as the JOI/IRIS Ocean Seismic Network Steering Committee (1989-), Editorial Board of Marine Geophysical Researches, and the American Geophysical Union. His research interests included crustal structure of the deep ocean; use of seismic methods to study processes of formation and evolution of oceanic crust; and lithosphere structure and the deep structure of continental margins. He has authored or co-authored over fifty scientific papers.

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Scope and Content Note

The materials span the years 1980 to 1995 and are divided into two series: Subject Files and Correspondence. Files contain proposals, drafts, reports, photographs, cruise reports, working notes, publications and correspondence.

Subjects covered in the papers include biographical information about Purdy, his involvement in various national and international projects, committees, and workshops, course material, and correspondence relating to science and his Chairmanship of the Geology and Geophysics Department.

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Administrative Information

Custodial History

Prior to their donation to the Archives, the material was kept in Purdy's office in the Department of Geology and Geophysics.

Preferred Citation

G. Michael Purdy Papers, 1976-1995. MC-10, "Folder Name." Data Library and Archives, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Acquisitions Information

Mike Purdy sent two boxes of his non-current materials to the WHOI Archives on December 27, 1991 (accession 1991-32) from his office in Department of Geology and Geophysics (G&G). On December 12, 1999, the Archives received two boxes of Purdy’s correspondence from the G&G Department (accession 1999-18).

Processing Information

Processed by Margot B. Garritt. Materials from acc.1991-32 received preliminary processing in 1996. Materials from acc.1999-18 were then combined with the first accession and processed, and data from the first accession was removed and added to data holdings in the library. Materials were put into acid-free folders and boxes and labeled.


Open: materials are available for research.


Copyright: Permission to publish material from the collection must be authorized by the Institution Archivist.

Related Material

There are G&G Department files, specifically data, associated with Mike Purdy, located in boxes L173, 182, and 188-189.

Separated Material

Data and Lamont-Doherty technical reports were removed from the boxes and added to the Library’s holdings. Overheads were removed and discarded.

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Arranged in two series:

List of Series:
Subject Files

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Index Terms

Researchers wishing to find related materials should search the MBLWHOI Library catalog under these terms.

Continental margins.
Marine geophysics.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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Folder List

Subject Files 1980-1995 1 box (1.25 lin. ft.)
Scope and Content Note
The first file in the Subject Files series consists of biographical information about Purdy, and includes his curriculum vita and various articles written about Purdy. The remainder of the series is alphabetically arranged and contains information on Purdy’s involvement in various national and international projects, committees, and workshops. The Coastal Ocean Dynamics workshop materials contain copies of Purdy’s paper, "The Use of Modern Seismic Methods to Measure the Shear Strength of the Uppermost 50M of the Continental Shelf Sediments" (box 1, f. 33). There is multichannel seismic workshop information with related materials in the NECOR files (box 1, ff. 24-25). The ‘Romanche’ folders contain materials relating to a proposal and joint project on equatorial fracture zone by Purdy, and S.C. Solomon, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There is a Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI) proposal for developing a Downhole Measurements program as part of JOI’s US Science proposal for the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). Material on guest investigator Professor Joe Cann includes his collaboration, teaching and lectures during 1986 (box 1, f. 2), and information on the hydrothermal vent program with materials and reports by him. There is also information on WHOI Friends of Vents meetings (box 1, f. 36). The series also contains course material (box 1, f. 19).
Folders are arranged alphabetically by subject.
1 1 Biographical file 1991-1995
2 Bernier test cruise 1989-1991
3 Cann, Joe 1984-1986
4 Caroline trough proposal 1991
5 Charleston 1985-1986
6 Chesapeake Bay proposal 1989
7 COSOD II (Conference on Scientific Ocean Drilling) 1986-1987
8 Deep drilling workshop posters 1989
9 Deep seismic reflectors mtg. October 1994
10 Deep towed hydrophone seismic reflection survey..,WHOI contr.4277 undated
11 Digicon 1986
12 DOBH (Digital Ocean Bottom Hydrophone) 1982-1984
13 DOD instrumentation 1985-1987
14 Downhole 1983
15 EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) prop figure preparation undated
16-17 GAPA (Geologic/Geophysical Atlases of Atlantic & Pacific Oceans) (2 ff.) 1982-1987
18 HEBBLE acoustic noise monitoring 1982
19 LaCasce, E.O. – Drafts of papers 1983
20 MG II [seismology course] (Restricted) Fall 1982
21 Microvax 1984-1985
22 Multichannel workshop 1984
23 Navy survey, KN-77-2 (Knorr) 1980
24-25 NECOR (Northeast Consortium Research Fleet) (2 ff.) 1982-1984
26 National Science Foundation supplement request 1988-1989
27 Panama City 1986
28 PASSCAL 1984
29 REF TEK, Refraction Technology 1985-1986
30 Romanche 1982-1991
31 Romanche figures 1989
32 SCOSS 1982-1983
33 SOHIO prospectus, [Standard Oil Company program] 1983
34 Subcommittee on shipboard computer systems 1980
35 TAG (Transatlantic Geophysical Profile) proposal 1987
36 Vent program 1987-1988
Correspondence 1987-1991 1.5 boxes (2 lin. ft.)
Scope and Content Note
Correspondence Series files date from 1987-1991. The files consist of two subseries: ‘Science’ and ‘Chairman’. The Chairman materials stem from Purdy’s tenure as the G&G department chairman.
Folders are arranged by year, and alphabetically thereunder.
2 1-2 [A-Z], (2 ff.) 1987
3 A-C 1988
4 D-F 1988
5 G-M 1988
6 N-R 1988
7 S-Z 1988
8 A-D 1989
9 E-I 1989
10 J-M 1989
11 Mc-S 1989
12 T-Z 1989
13 A-C 1990
14 D-E 1990
15 F-H 1990
16 I-J 1990
17 K-L 1990
18 M 1990
19 Mc-O 1990
20 P-R 1990
21 S 1990
22 T-Z 1990
3 1 A-C 1991
2 D 1991
3 E-G 1991
4 H-J 1991
5 K-N 1991
6 O-R 1991
7 S 1991
8 T-Z 1991
3 9 A-C 1991
10 D-E 1991
11-12 F-G (2 ff.) 1991
13 H-R 1991
14 S 1991
15 T-Z 1991